Two-year-old boy missing in Strömsnäsbruk

The police are looking for a two-year-old boy in Strömsnäsbruk outside Markaryd who disappeared from home around 3:30 p.m. The public’s help is requested.

The two-year-old boy is wearing a leopard print t-shirt and black jeans.

– We have not succeeded, we have not found the boy yet. We want to find him quickly given his young age of course, says Rickard Lundqvist, press spokesperson at the police at 5:15 p.m.

Great rescue effort

The boy disappeared from his home on the outskirts of Strömsnäsbruk at half past four on Sunday afternoon and has not been seen since. The police have deployed dogs and a helicopter in the search.

– The topography is forest and wetland around Strömsnäsbruk, says Rickard Lundqvist.

The police have chosen not to release a picture or further information.

– If a 2.5-year-old is out and about on his own, maybe that should set off alarm bells, at least in adults, Rickard Lundqvist.

The article is updated.
