A man, who had a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit, is facing an impaired driving and a dangerous driving charge after vehicles were hit along with some near misses, said Chatham-Kent police.
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Police were contacted Saturday regarding a motor vehicle crash on Bristol Drive in Chatham involving two vehicles that were struck. A vehicle struck one vehicle on the road and backed into another vehicle in a driveway, police said.
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A man was located and found to be under the influence of alcohol, police said. He was arrested and transported to police headquarters for breath tests, which determined he had three times the legal limit of alcohol in his system, police said.
Further investigation found the man was driving on Keil Drive in Chatham and nearly struck other vehicles head-on, police said.
A 26-year-old Chatham man has been charged with impaired driving and dangerous driving. His driver’s license was suspended and his vehicle was impounded, police said.
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He was released with an April 29 court date, police said.
Man injured in train crash facing charge: police
A man has been charged after the truck he was driving was struck by a train in Thamesville early Saturday morning, said Chatham-Kent police.
A call was received just before 1 am regarding a collision involving a motor vehicle and a train on Base Line Road at Zone 1 Road, police said
The rear of the truck was struck by a train and pushed off to the side, police said.
A 29-year-old Port Lambton man was taken to hospital with minor injuries, police said.
Police, fire and ambulance responded to the scene. A police drone was deployed to ensure there were no other injured persons, police said.
Canadian Pacific rail police attended the scene and took over the investigation, police said.
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The man involved is being charged under the Railway Safety Act, police said.
Man doesn’t heed police warnings; charged with criminal harassment: police
A man has been charged after being given three chances to discontinue his disruptive behavior, said Chatham-Kent police.
Officers were involved with a 28-year-old man on three separate occasions on Friday where he was advised to stay away from a neighbor’s address and not to harass them, police said.
The man did not listen to the warnings and was arrested from criminal harassment, police said.
He was released with a May 25 court date along with conditions to stay away from the neighbors and their address, police said.
Call about erratic driver leads to impaired charge: CK police
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Pulling into a neighbor’s driveway didn’t help a man elude being charged with impaired driving, said Chatham-Kent police.
A call was received Friday about an erratic driver who may be impaired after a vehicle left a Dufferin Avenue store in Wallaceburg, police said.
Officers went to the area, but couldn’t locate the vehicle. Officers later went to the home of registered vehicle owner and saw the vehicle pull into a laneway four houses away, police said.
The driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol and placed under arrest, police said.
A 55-year-old Wallaceburg man was charged with impaired driving and later released with an April 29 court date, police said.
The man’s license was suspended and his vehicle impounded, police said.
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