Two stuck on a mountain top in Norway

Two stuck on a mountain top in Norway


  • Two stuck on a mountain top in Norway

    Two people are stuck on Norway’s third highest mountain, Store Skagastølstind, which measures 2,405 meters above sea level. The top is one of them on the left. Archive image. Photo: Cornelius Poppe/AP/TT

    Two people are stuck on a mountain top in Norway, according to police district Vest. The weather is said to be bad.

    Fjälltoppen, Store Skagastølstind in southwestern Norway, is the country’s third highest at 2,405 meters above sea level. It is also the only one of the three highest that requires climbing to reach.

    “An alpine rescue team is on its way,” writes the police district a few hours after midnight, on the night of Friday.


  • Drug lord “El Mayo” arrested

    Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, has been arrested by federal police in Texas, reports New York Times.

    The Sinaloa cartel is one of Mexico’s most powerful criminal groups, and is often considered one of the world’s largest drug cartels.

    Joaquin Guzman Lopez, son of the cartel’s former leader Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, has also been arrested.

  • Kamala Harris has acquired Tiktok
  • Gothia cup players have died after the accident

    The teenage boy from England who was seriously injured in a drowning accident in Alingsås has died.

    This is confirmed by a representative of the mosque in the boy’s hometown GP.

    The boy played in a British team that participated in the Gothia cup.

    Last Friday, he was found lifeless in one of the pools at Nolhaga Badpark in Alingsås. He was later treated at Sahlgrenska hospital.

    A year ago, a similar incident occurred in the bath. A teenage boy playing in the Gothia cup died after being seriously injured in an accident.

  • Shot against villa – great effort

    Photo: Blåljus Sthlm

    It has been fired at a villa in Huddinge south of Stockholm.

    Several people alerted the police about explosions at 10:33 p.m.

    At the scene, bullet holes were discovered through a window.

    – We have no one who has been found injured and no one who has been detained, says police spokesperson Anna Westberg.

    A major effort is underway.

    – We have a large number of resources on site working, it is dog patrol and technicians.

    According to Aftonbladet’s information, shots were fired at the same house last week. No one was injured then, but at least one person was in the home, according to the police.

    The police confirm the information.

    – We have had a shooting at the same address, says Anna Westberg.

    The text is updated here

  • Christina Nordh


    Severe flooding in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi

    Manila, Philippines, on Wednesday where water stood waist-high in parts of the city following the advance of Typhoon Gaemi. Photo: Joeal Calupitan/AP

    Several countries have been affected by severe flooding in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi. Among them is the Philippines where at least 15 people are dead.

    Likewise, Taiwan is hard hit with five dead and over 500 injured as Gaemi moved in as a Category 3 hurricane. Here, too, the floods are severe. In the city of Tainan, residents were forced to flee the rapidly rising water, in nearby Kaohsiung, roads flooded and cars filled with water, writes the New York Times.

    During Thursday evening, the typhoon reached southern China. In parts of the country, schools and tourist attractions have been closed and public gatherings have been banned.

  • Forest fire has spread to holiday resort

    A Canadian resort has been severely damaged after a forest fire swept through. It is about the resort located in Jasper National Park in Alberta.

    According to the BBC, up to 50 percent of the built-up area must be destroyed.

    Around 25,000 people have had to flee the fire-ravaged area since the fire started, reports the BBC.

    Hundreds of firefighters are currently battling the blaze and reinforcements are on the way.

    100 firefighters from Mexico are on their way, as are 200 from South Africa and 100 from Australia.

  • Kamala Harris: “Ready to debate”

    Vice President Kamala Harris says she wants to debate Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

    – I am ready to debate with Donald Trump. I have accepted to meet him on September 10, which was previously decided, she tells CNN.

    The actual date has already been decided, although then as a debate between Biden and Trump.

    It would then be broadcast by the TV channel ABC.

  • Fire at Ekerö

    The rescue service goes by boat to Ekerö. Photo: Blåljus Sthlm

    The emergency services were called this evening to an industrial area on Ekerö after a fire in a premises.

    The alarm came in at 9:33 p.m. and several units are on site.

    Several other units are also on their way to the area.

    It is a large industrial building that is on fire and according to the officer on duty at the rescue service, there must be boats in the premises.

    – We are in the process of starting up a larger effort now.

    No one should be injured. It is also not considered to be a danger to the public.

    Photo: Blåljus Sthlm

  • Christina Nordh


    M proposal: “Let part-time residents pay tax for holiday homes”


    Several municipalities have suffered something similar to urban death. Like Sotenäs, where there are more part-time residents than permanent residents in the municipality, reports P4 Väst.

    Now the Member of Parliament Johan Hultberg (M) from Fjällbacka wants to investigate whether it is possible to introduce a municipal tax for part-time accommodation.

    – In many coastal municipalities, we have a very large proportion of part-time residents who spend more and more time in their holiday homes, but who pay all their taxes in the municipality where they are registered, he tells the radio channel.

    The proposal has received criticism, but Johan Hultberg says:

    – You have to work with some kind of stairs where you have different levels. This is not a simple question, for me it is important that we try to create more reasonable and better conditions for our coastal municipalities to actually finance the service, infrastructure and welfare that they must deliver to their municipal residents.

  • Suspected serious weapons crime in Västerås

    The police today found a bag with “a weapon-like object”.

    The police took the bag with its contents from the scene, and several people were checked. None of them were suspected of a crime.

    – No one is injured, says Maria Hall, press spokesperson for the police in the central region.

    Maria Hall does not want to comment on what kind of “weapon-like object” was in the bag.

    – The investigation must determine that, she says.

  • Harris almost in race Trump in new poll

    The presidential election in the United States looks set to be a real shocker. New York Times has now conducted a new opinion poll ahead of the presidential election in the United States.

    According to the results, Kamala Harris has almost caught up with Donald Trump.

    The newspaper asked the question “If there was an election today and you only had Harris and Trump to choose from, who would get your vote?”

    47 percent answered Kamala Harris and 48 percent answered Donald Trump.

    The survey was conducted between 22–24 July and 1,142 people participated.

  • Trump to release new book

    Donald Trump is to publish a new book. This is what the ex-president writes on the social media platform Truth Social.

    The book “Save America” ​​is scheduled to be released after the summer, two months before the US presidential election.

  • The explosive charge in Perstorp was sharp

    The suspected object in Perstorp was a sharp explosive charge. Archive image. Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

    The suspected dangerous object that was found in a park in Perstorp on Thursday morning was sharp, reports SVT Helsingborg.

    – Technicians have established that it was a sharp explosive charge, says Kristian Andersson, duty investigation officer in Helsingborg to the channel.

    It was passers-by who alerted the police about the object and the park was initially cordoned off. The National Bomb Squad was called in to investigate the object.

    The incident is being investigated as an attempt to cause public destruction, but no one is currently in custody.

  • Wreck find at Öland: Champagne and soda water

    A shipwreck that may be from the 19th century was found south of Öland – filled with champagne bottles and soda water, several media reports.

    To locate the wreck, the divers from Baltitech had the help of islander Erik Bjurström. They found an estimated hundred apparently intact champagne bottles on board, he tells The barometer. Similar finds have previously been auctioned off in England for approximately SEK 30,000 per bottle.

    Soda water in clay bottles was also found. The technology to carbonate water was developed at the end of the 18th century and was then an expensive product.

    – It is an extremely sensational find, says Erik Bjurström.

    The company that produced the soda water still exists and it is after contact with them that the load is estimated to be from 1860.

    – It’s a bit like a frozen moment from the 1850s that lies there at the bottom, says archeology professor Johan Rönnby, who is director of the marine archaeological research institute Maris, to Dagens Nyheter.

    The County Administrative Board in Kalmar County is currently investigating whether the wreck should be considered an ancient relic.

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    1. Sunak = He’s rich as a troll, so if Larry got lobster, sirloin, that’s a good start 🙂 then Sunak kissed Larry 🙂 and Larry let him 🙂

    2. David Cameron = Larry cuddled on his lap 🙂


  • Article about free train cheats. Where do I find it?



    Hello Åsa! You’ll find an article here about Filippa who trains for free and another about how it’s done here.

  • Don’t want to be the language police, but you write about a bomb on a balcony in Borås that the people in the house are housed! It’s called evacuated, right?


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