Two small arrows in multiplayer increase your chances of winning, you just have to pay attention to them

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In the multiplayer of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 things can get hectic at times, so any help is actually just what you need. Two small arrows help you to locate opponents, but are often overlooked by players. MeinMMO explains what you have to watch out for.

What are those arrows? The orange arrows are part of the HUD, i.e. the head-up display. At the top of your screen you will find a compass that shows your line of sight. The two orange arrows can sometimes appear to the left and right of it.

But what do the arrows mean? The arrows are indicators of enemies that are out of your field of vision. They appear whenever enemies fire their weapon.

How can the information be used? The arrows are easy to miss, but the information they carry is all the more valuable. They can help you locate opponents early on. This way you can optimally prepare for the next firefight, for example by changing your position or reloading in time.

At the same time, you can use this information to avoid dangerous situations more easily and to regroup or start a tactical retreat. In Call of Duty you shouldn’t just rely on your eyes. You can often hear enemies long before they become visible: With these audio settings, you can hear your opponents from afar.

In the trailer you can see all the action that Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer and Warzone 2.0 have to offer.

CoD Modern Warfare 2: Trailer shows multiplayer and Warzone 2.0 – New third-person perspective is included

Increase FoV and spot enemies earlier

How to spot enemies earlier? Basically, the earlier you identify your opponents, the faster you can react to the dangers. Fractions of a second can be decisive here.

The orange arrows can help you locate enemies that are out of your line of sight. But even before you enter a match, you can make adjustments to the field of view to increase your reaction speed.

More about CoD: MW2 is available at MeinMMO:

How to adjust the FoV? In the settings you can make changes to your field of view. A larger FoV lets you see more of what’s happening in the game, but in return means a little more work for your graphics card. An optimal value for the Field of View is therefore between 100 and 120, a value of 80 is set by default. You can experiment a little here.

If your game stutters at a value of 120, just adjust the number down a bit. Even the most powerful systems can occasionally crash. Here are 11 tips on how to fix crashes in CoD MW2 on PC.

Using CoD: Vanguard as an example, you can see how the changes to the field of view affect it.

As you can see in the picture, the field of view becomes significantly larger with the appropriate settings. This makes it much easier for you to spot enemies who want to flank you. Together with the orange arrows you are well prepared for your next battle.

Have you noticed the orange arrows? Do you find them helpful or just distracting? Do you always have a UAV in the air anyway and always know the position of your opponents? Please leave us a comment.

Feel like tweaking all of your settings in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Here are 10 settings that will make you better in CoD MW2.
