two RN deputies become vice-presidents

two RN deputies become vice presidents

The new French National Assembly was endowed, this Wednesday, June 29, with vice-presidents and quaestors, the day after the historic election of Yaël Braun-Pivet to the “perch”. And this is new again, for two reasons: two elected members of Marine Le Pen’s group are comfortably elected to the vice-presidency, in an audience of women.

The new lower house of the French Parliament now has two deputies from the RN group among its six vice-presidents. This Wednesday afternoon, Sébastien Chenu was elected with 290 votes, in other words much more than the number of deputies in his group (89 deputies), just like Hélène Laporte, who collected 284 votes.

Alongside them, to replace President Yaël Braun-Pivet, the Assembly will be able to count on Valérie Rabault (PS), who won 367 votes, Élodie Jacquier-Laforge of the MoDem (373 votes), Naïma Moutchou of Horizons (373 votes ), and Caroline Fiat, of La France insoumise (297 votes). What is therefore, it is also historic, five out of six women.

RN: the left accuses the majority of having blown up the dike

A little later in the afternoon, Éric Ciotti, from the group Les Républicains (367 votes), Marie Guévenoux, from Renaissance (378 votes) and Éric Woerth, who also joined the Renaissance group (356 votes), were elected quaestors. . And despite two vice-presidencies, the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) feels cheated.

In question, in the eyes of the elected representatives of the left: the absence of a Republican roadblock vote against the RN deputies, in these secret ballots. The main tenors of Nupes have thus gone to the front, denouncing arrangements between the relative majority of the Macronist troops, LR and RN, to distribute key positions.

Thursday, long-awaited election to the finance committee

This promises a revealing Thursday at the Bourbon Palace, since the deputies of the Assembly will in turn designate the name, and especially the party, of the person who will be appointed at the head of the very strategic Finance Committee, supposed to go to the opposition. The battle is raging, between the rights and the lefts.

Of the eight committees, the finance committee is the most coveted. Because at the top of the state, perhaps even more than elsewhere, having control over finances is synonymous with power. The president of this commission supervises the accounts of the State, examining the finance laws, in short the budget, before they are debated in the Chamber.

In case of doubt on the use of a budget, the finance committee can challenge and launch an evaluation mission, to ensure the effectiveness of the expenses incurred by the executive. The president can have access to confidential documents, lift the tax secrecy of a citizen, or even audition the Minister of the Economy…

Inevitably, this counter-power whets the appetites. Since 2007, it always returns to an opposition group, during a vote, because the majority has become accustomed to abstaining. The fight is therefore fierce, between the Nupes and the RN.

Because if the Nupes is superior in number, this is no longer the case when The Republicans join the RN.

►To re-read: In France, Yaël Braun-Pivet elected president of the National Assembly, a first
