Two rapes in Rättvik – one arrested

Two rapes in Rattvik – one arrested

Published: Less than 10 min ago

full screen Alarm about the rapes was received at 03 o’clock on the night of Monday. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

The police were alerted during the night to Monday about two separate rapes in central Rättvik. In one case, a suspect in his 20s has been arrested.

– In the second case, it is a person under the age of 18 who is the plaintiff. In that case, no one is arrested, says police spokesperson Lars Hedelin.

In connection with a motorcycle event taking place in Rättvik, there has been a lot of disturbance in the late evenings and nights, and the police urge parents to make sure that their children are not in that environment at night.

– It is a directly unsuitable environment for children, says Hedelin.
