Two of the most successful German films of all time are shown on TV on the same day and there is a good reason for that

Two of the most successful German films of all time

With his parodies The Shoe of Manitu and Dream Ship Surprise – Period 1, Michael Herbig two of the most successful German films of all time created. There are also other milestones such as the Bully Parade and his current moderator position on Amazon’s comedy hit LOL: Last One Laughing.

Bully will therefore be awarded the honorary prize at this year’s edition of the German Television Awards. Sat. 1 took the honor as an opportunity to broadcast on October 1st after the television awards gala change the TV program.

Sat. 1 will broadcast four Bully hits on October 1st

As DWDL reports, four Bully works will be shown on Sat. 1 on October 1, 2023. The program will then look like this:

The Shoe of Manitu and Dream Ship Surprise – Period 1 are cinema successes with which Bully made history. A total of 20 million cinema tickets were sold for both films in Germany.

On September 28th, Sat. 1 will broadcast German Television Award live from 8:15 p.m out of. Bully will receive his honorary award in person that evening.

What’s next for LOL and Bully?

The 5th season of the Amazon hit is supposed to Easter 2024 get your Amazon Prime subscription. Before that, a Christmas special will be released in 2023, which will probably appear in December with eight stars.

Podcast: Why is German TV so boring?

70 times CSI per week and Germany’s Next Top Model at prime time: German free TV is at its lowest point and still can’t be killed. We discuss why this is the case in the Moviepilot podcast Streamgear:

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