Canada Post put a spotlight on endangered frogs Monday with the launch of two new stamps.
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The stamps feature the Fowler’s toad, found in Canada only on the north shore of Lake Erie in Ontario, including the Long Point region, and the Oregon spotted frog, which has small populations in the Lower Fraser Valley of southwestern British Columbia. Both are on Canada’s endangered species list.
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The Port Rowan post office was picked as the cancellation site, which shows the date of issue, commemorating the date the stamps were first available for use.
“These are first day covers,” said Port Rowan postmaster Christopher La Berge during Monday’s open house. “We have books of stamps and the souvenir sheets, which people collect as well. They come with a nice little history on the back.”
Sets of 10 stamps cost $10.40 including tax.
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Visitors had the option of getting Port Rowan ‘cancellation’ stamped on their souvenir sheets, which La Berge said is desirable for collectors.
“Oh yeah. They want that because the cancellation matches the release. It’s just as much of a collectible as the stamps themselves.”

The new stamps raise awareness for endangered frogs, not just for local residents who might be familiar with Fowler’s toad, but also visitors to the region.
“We are excited about this because it brings prominence to what we are doing in the area… what we are working hard to protect here,” said La Berge.
“We’ve had a group of university academics who have been studying the Fowler’s toad here since 1977, spending time here over the course of the summer… anywhere between 15-25 of them.”
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Adult Fowler’s toads range in size from about 5-8 cm in length. They are gray to buff-colored, with small dark spots and warts on the back, and have a white or cream-colored belly. The primarily nocturnal amphibians breed in shallow ponds, pools and marshes.
Cynthia Brink from the Long Point Biosphere Region – and a stamp collector – was among the first to buy the new stamps in Port Rowan. The launch location was important, she said, because of the region’s high biodiversity and the amount of partners collaborating together on projects like the Long Point Walsingham Forest Priority Place.
“They (Fowler’s toad) are very rare,” Brink said. “You would come across them every once in a while, but it is very hard to identify the difference between the American toad and the Fowler’s toad… they are lookalikes.”
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The frogs (toads are frogs) have experienced habitat loss from human activity, invasive organisms and pollution.
“The habitat is so fragmented right now and they need all the support in the world, even in crossing roads,” said Brink.
“There is also a fungus that is affecting them, a fungus found in many different geographical areas. It’s transferred by people going from habitat to habitat. It’s really important to be aware of, going from one place to another, that you clean your boots properly and sanitize them if you can. It’s hard for people to understand that, but we’re at that point where it’s important now.”
The endangered frog stamps will be included in a special year-end collection book, which will have all Canada Post stamps released in 2024, along with histories and artwork. The 2023 book retailed for $82.95 plus tax.
“Collectors like that as well,” said La Berge.
The new stamps and collectibles are available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across the country. The stamp issue includes 250,000 booklets of 10 domestic rate stamps, 6,000 official first day covers and 40,000 souvenir sheets.
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