Two new bear attacks during the hunt occurred in Jämtland

These are two separate incidents, one in Tåsjö and the other in the Hammarstrand region, according to ÖP.

– Both of these bears are dead. The bear in the area around Hammarstrand was shot after a search, says Olov Hallquist, head of game at the county administrative board, to the newspaper.

Hallquist does not know whether the hunters were alone when the attacks took place.

– Incidents like this are unusual, but also something that can happen in connection with hunting for predators, especially bears, which are a potentially very dangerous animal, he says, adding that the hunt in the county will continue.

The police did not engage

The police have not opened a case in the matter.

– Since it has happened in connection with hunting and the bears have been captured, the police have nothing to do with this directly, says Hallquist.

These are not the first attacks during this year’s bear hunt. On Monday, a hunter and his 14-year-old son were attacked in Ljusdal.
