Two identical accidents with Securitas cars at Soap bar

Two identical accidents with Securitas cars at Soap bar

Published: Less than 20 min ago

On two occasions in less than a year, cars without drivers have crashed into the Soap Bar in Stockholm.

Both times there have been guard cars from Securitas.

– I can’t help but be amazed, says Jens Granath, head of marketing communications at Securitas.

At 02.06 on the night of Wednesday, the police and emergency services were called to the Soap Bar on Stureplan in Stockholm. A patrol car had rolled and crashed backwards into the outdoor dining area. Glass walls were broken and heavy flower boxes were moved several meters.

Two of the night club’s security guards were injured and had to go by ambulance to hospital.

An identical accident occurred in 2021

It wasn’t the first time it happened.

On December 9 last year, at 02.25, another car from Securitas rolled backwards into Soap Bar’s outdoor dining area. Seven people were slightly injured that time.

Then as now, they were cars of the Kia Niro brand. Then as now, the driver had gotten out of the car when it came rolling down the street.

– I can’t help but be amazed that it has happened in the same place again. It is extremely unfortunate and very sensational, says Jens Granath, head of marketing communications at Securitas.

According to Securitas, the guard had forgotten to apply the parking brake in the accident in December. The cause of the latest incident is not yet clear.

– It was not the same person at the incident in December. We need to look at whether there is something in the car model that makes it easy to make mistakes. It is extremely serious. A car coming down a hill at speed is dangerous to life. Now we are looking at what measures we can take, says Jens Granath.

The police: The investigation was dropped

Both incidents have been reported to the police. In the first case, the police dropped the investigation because the injuries were too minor.

– Just like last night, a report was written about causing bodily harm. But for that it takes a little more than getting a scratch or something. So then the case was dropped, says Thomas Westin, head of preliminary investigations at the Norrmalm Police.

The accident in December was handled by the police as a traffic accident.

– Then you can get the right to compensation via the insurance company, says Thomas Westin.

The investigation into the latest accident is at an early stage. When the preliminary investigation began on Wednesday morning, the police used two criminal classifications: Causing bodily harm and causing danger to another.

Next, an interrogation will be held and the car will undergo a technical examination, the police state.

The guard who was involved in Wednesday’s accident has received support calls but is not suspended.

– The employee has remained on duty at his own request, but does not drive a car, says Jens Granath.
