Two hours in nature each week to get better

Two hours in nature each week to get better

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[EN VIDÉO] Interview: the relationship between man and nature
Man prospers thanks to the resources offered by nature but he also depends on them and must therefore avoid intensive use of them. Xavier Le Roux, director of the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB), describes, during this interview, the complex relationships between man and nature.

Two hours of nature per week. This may soon appear on the prescription drawn up by your doctor. This is already the case in Canada. Because nature has the incredible power to do us good! And some Drexel University researchers (USA) confirm once again today. According to them, people in relation to nature have a diet healthier and “greener” — meaning made with more fruits and vegetables — than others.

The researchers point out that their results highlight light how a restored relationship with nature could bring people back to a more balanced diet. They therefore recommend integrating more green spaces to urban landscapes. But also to bring nature into the classroom. And even, to begin to prescribe outings to the great air — or at least in parks.

Food and mental health

But they also recognize that things could turn out to be more complex than that. The benefits to be drawn from nature could also depend on culture, history and social and economic factors that link communities to nature on the one hand and food on the other.

In the meantime, other researchers, from the Boston University School of Public Health (United States), provide new evidence that the presence of green spaces in residential areas improves cognitive functions. The speed information processing and attention. Greenery also limits the risk of depression. All thus improving the Mental Health populations. Even when they start to age. So what are we still waiting for to go green for good?

Ten minutes in nature to reduce student stress

subject to strong pressures throughout their university studies, young students oscillate between stress, anxiety and sometimes depression. A meta-analysis has demonstrated the benefits of the natural environment on the stress of young people aged 15 to 30, whether it is a forest, flowerpots on a balcony or a public garden. She was even able to quantify the effective “dose” of treatment.

Futura article with AFP-Relaxnews published on 02/28/2020

American researchers have shown that spending just ten minutes in nature can alleviate the stress and anxiety felt by young people aged 15 to 30. For this new research, a team from the Cornell University reviewed 14 previous studies that looked at the effects of time spent in nature on students aged 15 to 30. These studies had been conducted in Japan, Sweden and the United States. They had recorded “treatment” times (the number of hours and minutes spent in nature) and changes in welfare and mental health before and after these outdoor sessions. They also assessed participants’ mental well-being based on time spent in urban environment or natural.

Their results, reported in the review Frontiers in Psychologyshowed that spending between 10 and 50 minutes in a natural environment seemed to contribute to an improvement in mood, concentration from students and physiological markers of stress such as blood pressure and heart rate. ” Benefits don’t take long to kick in — we’re talking about 10 minutes spent in a natural spacecommented author Gen Meredith. We firmly believe that every student, regardless of specialty or workload, has such duration at his disposal every day, or at least a few times a week. »

A positive effect in ten minutes

Regarding the 50-minute maximum limit for enjoying the benefits of time spent in nature, co-author Donald Racow explained that “ there is no decline after 50 minutes, but rather the benefits physiological reported psychological and psychological effects tend to level off after this period. »

The researchers also found that the students can simply sit or walk in a natural environment for it to have a positive effect on their health. ” We wanted to keep this access to nature as simple and achievable as possible.notes Professor Racow. Although there are many studies of programs where more time is spent outdoors, we wanted to quantify doses in minutes, not days. “. But Professor Meredith adds that “ it is an opportunity to question our conception of nature. It really surrounds us: the treesflowerpot, patch of grass or wooded area. »

We wanted to quantify doses in minutes, not days

The team says their findings show that spending time in nature could be prescribed as a form of treatment to prevent or improve stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues that students experience. The new meta-analysis even suggests the “dose” of treatment needed to produce an effect.

Prescribing a dose can legitimize doctor’s recommendations and set a tangible goaladds Professor Meredith. It’s different from just saying: “get out!” There is something specific the student can strive for. »

To reduce stress, spend at least 20 minutes a day in nature!

Article of Marie-Celine Raypublished on April 8, 2019

A study from the University of Michigan found that a 20-minute session in contact with nature effectively lowered levels of a stress hormone, cortisol. A simple walk, or a little time spent sitting contemplating the vegetation in an urban park, may suffice. Here is an inexpensive method to reduce daily stress.

This study published in Frontiers in Psychology may inspire healthcare professionals dealing with stressed patients. In a communicatedMaryCarol Hunter, lead author of this article, explained that “We know that spending time in nature reduces stress, but until now it was unclear how much, how often, or even what kind of nature experience would benefit us.”

To answer these questions, the researchers recruited 36 people living in the city. Over an eight-week period, participants had to spend time in nature, at least ten minutes, three times a week, or more. Cortisol levels – a hormone of stress – were measured in a saliva sample.

A significant drop in cortisol levels

The researcher points out that “participants were free to choose the time of day, the duration and the place of their experience in nature. The authors nevertheless imposed some constraints on them: to spend this time in full nature day, without doing sports at the same time and avoiding using your smart phone during this privileged moment.

The results showed that just 20 minutes is enough to significantly reduce the cortisol levels. It doesn’t matter if it’s walking or sitting and contemplating nature. Nature’s most effective dose seemed to be between 20 and 30 minutes because this duration effectively lowered cortisol levels. Beyond that there were also profits but growing more slowly.

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