After Jean-Christophe Grangé and his diptych (SunlessAlbin Michel), Haruki Murakami and his book, River too (The city with uncertain wallsBelfond), Jean Echenoz (BristolMidnight), Michael Connelly (Who knows how to waitCalmann-Lévy), Camille Laurens (Your promiseGallimard) and Vanessa Springora (SurnameGrasset), here, this week of January 20 to 26, five new entrants. Including two belonging to the literary school year proper, the prices Goncourt Pierre Lemaitre and Leïla Slimani, two authors in which their respective publishing houses believe hard as iron (and rightly) having regard to their first draw: 250,000 copies For A bright future (Calmann-Lévy) and 180,000 copies for the third volume of the trilogy The country of others, I will take the fire (Gallimard). Wailed by the success of their previous opus, noticed by the press and acclaimed by readers, they are not about to leave our ranking of the best sales (for the time being, they occupy the first and second steps of the podium).
Then come these ladies of romance, dark Or romantasynow permanent stakeholders of our records. With 3rd place for the 3rd volume of his series Kiara, diamond flayed by blood (t. III) (The archipelago), Hazel Diaz continues his triumphant march started in May 2024. In 11th place arose a regular, the American and queen of the Romantasy (who therefore mixes Romance and Fantasy), Rebecca Yarros, with Onyx Storm, The Empyrean Tome III (Hachette UK), a novel, in the English language (its French version will not appear until June at Hugo Roman), an exceptional fact which demonstrates the number of fans in France for the lady. And in 17th row, a short news, Nanou Ad, with Leonid Petrov (t. I). The Prince of Hell. Published by Eden Edition, a collection of City Éditions, this Dark Romance deals with a great tyrannical American mafia who does not hesitate to use her daughter to achieve her ends …
3840 Palmares
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It also moves on the side of the list of tests which sees four new works appear. In the first title, that of journalists of World Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme, The judges and the assassin (Flammarion), 2nd best sale, which reveal an investigation carried out by three judges on French management of COVVID. For five years, these magistrates brought together one million secret documents, summoned hundreds of people, accused of three ministers. The second essay (in 8th place this one) is that of the philosopher André Comte-Sponville, (who made the headlines of L’Express and gives us a great lesson in wisdom), The opportunity to live. Ultimate studies (PUF). Then comes that of Olivier BabeauThe era of La Flemme. How we and our children have lost the sense of effort. A work that his publisher, Buchet-Chastel, presents as follows: “This book is a blood stroke against the transformation of our relationship to effort. He analyzes the hidden springs and the formidable consequences.” The author, academic, consultant, and co -founder and director of the Think Tank The Sapiens Institute, is not at his first blood blow, he had published, in 2023, Tyranny of entertainment…