Two French graffiti artists mowed down by the subway

Two French graffiti artists mowed down by the subway

Julien Blanc, aka Jibone, a street artist to whom we dedicated an article (below) and his friend Pierre Audebert aka Full1 were mowed down by a subway train in New York on April 20, 2022.

They were two friends, two artists with a crazy talent driven by the passion of street art. A passion that led them both to New York on April 20, 2022. Julien Blanc, 34 years old, from Perpignan, father of two young children, called himself Jibone. He had been in artistic residency at La Pépinière, in Toulouse, for several months. Pierre Audebert, 28 years old, alias Full1, from Cahors, was also in residence in Toulouse.
They had left two days earlier for the United States where they accompanied the famous graffiti artist Ceet-Fouad. At the same time, they wanted to make their dream come true: to graffiti in the New York subway by taking crazy risks. An “initiation rite” of sorts in the street art world where the two artists from Toulouse had acquired a great reputation. Their works were exhibited in many countries.
On April 20, just before 7 pm, the two men were caught by a subway train at the Utica station in the Brooklyn neighborhood. Their mutilated bodies were discovered by a subway driver who raised the alarm.
A tribute will be paid to them in Toulouse by the street art community.

Jibeone: Forms and colors of the South
