Two formations are very popular and played by almost all professionals – we’ll show them to you

After several months of EA FC 24, two clear favorites among the formations have emerged for the professionals. While one tactic is suitable for a more controlled build-up of play, the other formation promises absolute offensive football. We provide you with the formations with the appropriate tactical instructions.

What formations are we talking about? The controlled option is the 4-2-3-1 tactic with three central attacking midfielders (ZOM). This formation shines with its balance between defense and offense.

The more offensive formation is the 4-3-2-1, which visually promises concentrated offensive power with three strikers. But this formation also knows how to impress defensively with a certain tactical trick.

The two best formations with tactics and instructions

What characterizes these formations? Both formations are suitable for playing on the wings. In EA FC 24, playing from the outside is essential to scoring goals.

We have put together further tips for you to quickly get better at EA FC 24: With these 5 tips, you are guaranteed to score more goals.

Below we will show you which tactics and instructions you should apply to the formations in order to get the most out of them in the game. You can transfer the tactics to both formations. There are only minor differences in the instructions.

Tactical settings

Offensive: One of the most important tactics is to use “direct passes” offensively to create chances. With this instruction, your players will run free more easily, creating free space and new passing options.

If you like the build-up of the game from the back a little calmer and like to have a lot of ball possession, you can also choose “Slow build-up” instead of “Balanced” for the build-up game. This means your players are better positioned in their own half and make fewer advances.

Defensive: Defensive depth in particular is a crucial factor this year and should therefore be adjusted according to your needs. In our article about the new OP setting, we reported on how effective pressing with the automatic offside trap is this year from a depth of “71”. However, good opponents know how to overcome this pressing. That’s why we would recommend a depth of “45-70”.

If you want to play without automatic pressing, you should set the depth to “44” or less, but then you have to defend more actively yourself: Here we show which simple tips you can use to guarantee fewer goals conceded in EA FC 24.

Other settings: You don’t have to change anything in terms of defensive and offensive width. The same applies to the number of players in the penalty area. Once you have become familiar with the tactics, you are welcome to experiment a bit and see whether a particular adjustment to the settings works.

If you want to avoid conceding annoying counterattack goals, you should reduce the number of players on corners and free kicks to one or a maximum of two players.

This is what the tactical instructions could look like


What instructions should you give your players? You can change a lot of things in the instructions, for example how the players should behave during the build-up or when creating chances. But you can do most of it by using the tactics shown above. In the instructions you only need to fine-tune your game.

Common instructions for the 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-2-1

Goalkeeper: Let’s start in the goal. Your keeper should have the instructions “Cross Catcher” and “TW-Libero”. While the cross catcher ensures that your goalie snatches the ball away from strikers when the cross is too close to the goal, the goalkeeper in TW-Libero anticipates passes that are too long and intercepts them even outside the penalty area.

Defense: In defense, it is the full-backs (AV) who are of enormous importance this year. Many pros let at least one of their full-backs run forward at all times. If you want to protect yourself defensively, give an AV the instruction “stay behind during attacks” during offensive runs. It is important that the outside runners actually run along the outside line. Therefore, you should choose the “overarching running style” for both full-backs.

If you like it even more offensive, simply avoid leaving one of the two full-backs behind.

Midfield/attack: Thanks to the tactics, the offensive works even without further instructions for individual players.

What is important regardless of any tactics: you need players with the best playstyles in EA FC 24 in your team. A professional ranked all the playing styles, and we’ll show you the results.

Special defensive instructions for the 4-3-2-1

There are several important additional instructions for the 4-3-2-1 with regard to defensive stability. So you should give the middle of the three central midfielders (ZM) the instruction “Stay back during attacks”. This means you always have a player who stays in front of your defensive line and stabilizes the defense. This also makes it an important starting point in the center.

The most important thing with such an offensive orientation is that defensive behavior is not neglected. To take this to heart, convert the 4-3-2-1 defensively into a 4-4-2 formation. You can do this by giving the middle CM and one of the two outer CMs the instruction “Cover the middle” in the “defensive position”. You do not give any instructions to the remaining outer CM.

In order to finally establish a four-man chain in defense, you must, depending on which outer ZM you have the wing defend, give the diagonally opposite winger the instruction “Strengthen defense”.

Or to put it another way: On the side of the CM who moves inwards to cover the middle, the winger has to reinforce the defensive position that has become vacant. If the ball is lost, the winger drops to the position of a wing midfielder.

In doing so, you have transformed the already offensive 4-3-2-1 into a stable defensive formation. Give yourself and the formations time to internalize the instructions and tactics. If you have both tactics, you can switch back and forth in the game as you like in order to use your variability to challenge your opponent.

Sometimes even the best formations and moves don’t help. If necessary, a free kick has to be used. We’ll show you which simple trick you can use to score more free kick goals.
