two demonstrators disrupt Jordan Bardella’s speech in Paris

two demonstrators disrupt Jordan Bardellas speech in Paris

As the European election campaign enters its final stretch, the candidates are throwing their last energies into the campaign to try to convince the last undecided voters.

15:57 – Two demonstrators disrupt Jordan Bardella’s speech

Two demonstrators disrupted the speech of the head of the RN list during his last meeting at the Dôme de Paris. At the cry of “for a feminist Europe”, the two women were evacuated from the room to the boos of the activists present.

15:50 – Jordan Bardella criticizes Valérie Hayer’s “profound disconnection”

Based on statements from the head of the Renaissance list during a debate organized on Cnews, Jordan Bardella explained to his activists that Valérie Hayer was in “deep disconnect” with the daily life of the French.

15:45 – Jordan Bardella invites the French to “make their anger heard”

Wishing to bring a large defeat to the presidential camp, Jordan Bardella called on the French to “make their anger heard” with the “only useful vote: the ballot of the National gathering,” he explained.

15:42 – Emmanuel Macron prepares the “liquidation of France”

During his speech at his last meeting before the June 9 vote, Jordan Bardella accused Emmanuel Macron of “preparing the liquidation of France”.

15:38 – Jordan Bardella wants to inflict “the greatest historical defeat” on Emmanuel Macron

Leading in voting intentions, Jordan Bardella called on his voters to vote, explaining that nothing had yet been done before the vote. “Our dynamic has never been so strong, we must give Emmanuel Macron the greatest historical defeat,” he said. And added: “Nothing can be done without you.”

15:36 – A “decisive” vote according to Jordan Bardella

Speaking from the Paris Dome, Jordan Bardella estimated that we are “at the dawn of a decisive election for the future of the country”.

15:33 – “To abstain is to consent”

While the National Rally does not hide its intention to nationalize the European election ballot, Marine Le Pen called on all supporters to go to the polls on June 9. “To abstain is to consent,” explained Marine Le Pen. And added: “When the people vote, the people win.”

15:26 – A “stupid” and “ruinous” policy

Prior to Jordan Bardella’s speech, the leader of the RN deputies in the National Assembly did not fail to address a series of punchlines against the majority and President Emmanuel Macron. Speaking of a “stupid” and “ruinous” policy pursued by the head of state, Marine Le Pen added that the Renaissance party should have been called “funeral”.

15:22 – “There is only one master of clocks: the people”

Present at the Paris Dôme for Jordan Bardella’s meeting, Marine Le Pen examined the results of the last term in the European Parliament. Speaking of a “major” vote for the future of France and “our democracy”, Marine Le Pen affirmed that there is “only one master of the clock: the people”.

15:03 – Louis Alliot calls on Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly in the event of defeat

Guest of LCI this Sunday, June 2, the mayor of Perpignan and vice-president of the National Rally, Louis Alliot announced that in the event of defeat of the presidential camp in the European elections, Emmanuel Macron will be forced to dissolve the National Assembly. If he does not do so, the head of state will then be a president “without power, naked”, he added.

The RN mayor of Perpignan is not the first to make a request in this direction. Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, both, have already expressed this same request.

13:52 – François-Xavier Bellamy says he respects Nicolas Sarkozy’s choice not to support him

While he announced in an interview with Parisian not wishing to publicly support François-Xavier Bellamy in the European elections, the head of the Republican list indicated that he respected the choice of Nicolas Sarkozy, adding to respect “the diversity of opinions”.

1:45 p.m. – No “systematic” link between immigration and delinquency, says Valérie Hayer

While the subject regularly comes up in the comments of far-right candidates, Valérie Hayer assured on BFMTV that there is no “systematic” link between delinquency and immigration. Despite everything, the Renaissance party candidate recognized that there could be “acts of delinquency by migrants”.

13:41 – “Nothing is decided”, says Valérie Hayer

Neck and neck in the polls with Raphaël Glucksmann, Valérie Hayer wanted to be reassuring as the election approached, explaining that “nothing is decided”. Citing a “difficult” political context, the head of the presidential majority list assured BFMTV that the votes “will crystallize for the last days”.

1:35 p.m. – Marion Maréchal against LGBT associations

As Pride Month began this Saturday, June 1, Marion Maréchal announced her intention to cut all subsidies to LGBT associations, thus reaffirming her refusal to finance associations that she describes as “political”. “I consider that this is propaganda and that the European Union does not have to finance this,” she explained on BFMTV.

At the same time, the candidate judged that France is playing a “very dangerous game” in Ukraine. Pleading to avoid an escalation in the conflict, particularly with Russia, Marion Maréchal castigated the comments of Emmanuel Macron, who, on several occasions, suggested that it was possible that France would send military ground troops to Ukraine . “When does it stop?” she asked.

1:30 p.m. – “Notable” differences with the RN program

Accused of plagiarism of a former National Rally program by Release for these European elections, Marion Maréchal brushed aside the BFMTV set, having made a “copy and paste” for her program. Explaining that there were “notable” differences between the two programs, the head of the Reconquête list indicated that he could “cite many”.

In a poor position in the polls, the far-right candidate has also assured that she is capable of overthrowing the current group of the presidential majority in the European Parliament.

