Two dead in helicopter crash in Norway

Two dead in helicopter crash in Norway

Published: Less than 30 min ago

Updated: Just now

full screen Several are believed to be injured after a helicopter accident in Verdal. Photo: Jørgen Haug/AP/TT

Two people have died in a helicopter accident in Norwegian Verdal, northeast of Trondheim.

– Two people have been confirmed dead in the helicopter crash, says Roger Gjersvold at the rescue service’s emergency center to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.

The police were alerted to the incident at 10:42 a.m. and were first told that a helicopter was in major trouble. The alarm came from Værnes Airport in Trondheim.

The helicopter has gone down outside a densely built-up area, writes VG.

It is not known what type of helicopter crashed or what route it was flying. Nor is the cause of the accident known.
