Two bad news for Napoli against Barça

Two bad news for Napoli against Barca

The result of the Catalan derby increased the illusion of Napoli, which arrives at the double date with Barça in great shape. yesHowever, just when he thought he had recovered almost everyone after a cataract of injuries, the Azzurro club has bad news again from the infirmary.

Matteo Politano, who left the clash with Inter after 26 minutes on Saturday, today underwent tests that showed an elongation in the soleus of the left thigh. Negative news also for Stanislav Lobotka, who came from several weeks with an outstanding performance, and the clash with the Milanese ended in pain. The former Celta player suffered an injury to his right femoral biceps and, like his partner, began therapy today. Both will not be available for the two clashes with the azulgrana, and are added to the loss of Hirving Lozano. The Mexican, after the shoulder dislocation suffered with the national team, will not have to undergo surgery, but in the best of cases he will be available again in the middle of March.

Spalletti, then, will bet on Anguissa next to Fabián in the midfield, while, behind Osimhen’s back, Elmas, Zielinski and Insigne will act, with room for Ounas throughout the game. Mertens should start on the bench, although, due to his lack of prominence with Inter (he came onto the field in minute 84), in Naples they do not rule out any surprises from the Tuscan coach.
