Two are wanted in custody for attempted murder in Älmhult

Two are wanted in custody for attempted murder in Almhult

Published: Less than 40 min ago

full screen Three people are suspected of attempted murder after the big brawl in Älmhult. Two of them have now been remanded in custody. Archive image. Photo: Mikael Fritzon/TT

A man and a woman have been requested to be detained on suspicion of attempted murder after the big fight in Älmhult that led to a man in his 20s receiving life-threatening injuries. A third person who is also suspected of attempted murder has been arrested, Smålandsposten reports.

According to the newspaper, 20-30 people belonging to two families participated in the fight on Monday evening. The man and woman who are now wanted in custody were arrested after the fight and then a boy who is under 18 was also wanted. He was arrested on Wednesday evening in Skåne.

– He is also suspected of attempted murder and serious assault and he will be questioned during the day. I cannot say more than that at the moment, says prosecutor Pernilla Granqvist to the newspaper.
