Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen’s funniest movie has nothing to do with the sitcom

Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheens funniest movie

Charlie Sheen will forever be associated with Two and a Half Men. The 2000s sitcom marks the peak of its popularity. Although he was fired at the time, among other things, because of his arguments with TAAHM creator Chuck Lorre, the two have teamed up for a new project.

While we eagerly await the arrival of How to Be a Bookie, we’ve been digging into Sheen’s filmography and his funniest role sought. Charlie Harper is out of the question. Significantly better is Lt. Sean “Topper” Harley from the slapstick comedy Hot Shots! – The mother of all films.

Disney+ Comedy: In Hot Shots! Charlie Sheen is way funnier than in Two and a Half Men

Hot shots! follows in the tradition of films like The Naked Gun and doesn’t take itself seriously for a second. The big cinematic role model is the action hit Top Gun – you fear neither death nor the devil, who is lovingly pulled through the cocoa here. Other Hollywood classics also get their fat off.

Here you can watch the trailer for Hot Shots! look:

Hot shots! – The Mother of All Movies – Trailer (German)

From Dances With Wolves to Gone With the Wind to Planet of the Apes: Hot Shots! does not stop at any masterpiece. The film is held together by Sheen, who is great stumbles from one skit to the next. And the best thing is, there’s even a sequel: Hot Shots! – The second attempt.

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