Twitter’s strange response to After Five: A poo emoji

Twitter is in the hot air again after it was decided that Putin can tweet again. Now the company’s approach to the media is also being discussed after a strange discovery. If you email their press service – you only get a poop emoji in response. It has been storming around Twitter since Elon Musk bought the platform. And now Twitter is once again under fire after they stopped blocking Vladimir Putin’s account. The Russian president is allowed to use the service again. – Elon Musk is very much in favor of freedom of expression and he thinks that everyone should be seen on the platform. The users can decide what is true or not, says technology expert Evelina Galli to Efter fem. It happens when you email the press service Another thing that is being discussed is Twitter’s view of the media. In Efter fem, technology expert Evelina Galli talks about what happens when you email Twitter’s press service. When After five tests the following happens: Only a poop emoji is sent as a response. – It’s the auto-reply you get when you email, explains Evelina Galli. The technology expert says that Elon Musk has long had a special view of the media. Recently, Twitter also labeled the public service as state-owned media. The fact that the press service’s email now responds with an emoji may be due to Twitter’s personnel policy, Galli believes. – With the cuts, it is above all the communication department that has had to go. Hear Galli tell more about this in the player above.
