Twitter Now Allows Ads For Marijuana Companies

Twitter Now Allows Ads For Marijuana Companies

Seems like twitterplans to make some changes to its advertising policies. The company will allow cannabis companies to promote their brands and services on the popular platform.

Going forward, Twitter allows advertisers to promote brand preference and informative cannabis-related content for CBD, THC, and cannabis-related products and services, according to a new blog post.

In other words, companies that sell products related to hemp and similar substances are on the platform of the social media company. ad for free can give. There are some restrictions on what you can and cannot advertise, though.

According to a separate report, advertisements were restricted from directly promoting or even offering to sell cannabis itself. However, there are some exceptions for certain types of CBD-based products. Apart from that, there will even be restrictions by age and location to limit who sees cannabis-related ads. This new change in policy, the company’s billionaire It happened after it was acquired by Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

In the official announcement, Twitter hinted that cannabis companies could use their platform to reach a wider audience. He added that conversations about marijuana are “larger than conversations about topics like pets, cooking and golf, as well as categories of food and drink, including fast food, coffee and liquor.”
