Twitter looks set to debut for two accounts to jointly tweet

Twitter looks set to debut for two accounts to jointly

The news-focused hub of social media twitteris developing an infrastructure for two accounts to tweet jointly and to the last point in this regard. came.

Searching for unreleased app features Alessandro Paluzzi as shown by twitter In this process, developed by persons beside brands Shares can also be made with Instagram Thanks to this feature, which has been open for a long time, especially commercial collaborations will be shown better. As far as it is transferred, the account to be partnered will need to be public and follow you in order to use this feature. In the common sharing system, the other party naturally approval will be required.. When these conditions are met, joint sharing can be done. The feature, which is expected to be available soon, creates the impression that it will be used by many people.

Twitter, He had recently taken a GIF step. With the update, the company now allows people to create GIFs directly from the camera of the iOS application. In this way, people can create GIFs from short videos they take in seconds.


Animated GIFs, which are high quality because they are created directly from the camera, look great for some quick answers and are used quite often, you know. In the future, this opportunity Android It is reported that it will also be made available for use.

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