Twitter lays off its staff in Africa just after opening an office in Ghana

Twitter cuts its human rights office amid layoffs

In the wake of the restructuring launched by Elon Musk, the Twitter platform got rid of almost all the staff of its Africa office, in Accra, Ghana.

With our regional correspondent, Marine Jeannin

It all happened in four days. On Tuesday, November 1, employees of Twitter’s Africa team accessed their physical office in the Ghanaian capital for the first time, after working from home for a year.

The following Friday morning, they found that access to their professional emails and to their work computers was blocked. And received an email to their personal address notifying them their dismissal. “ The company is reorganizing its operations due to a need to cut costs. It is with regret that we inform you that your employment is terminated as a result of this exercise. The email sets the layoff date as December 4 and releases the employees from their duties for the coming month. And since then, nothing.

Ghanaian law not respected

However, Ghanaian labor law lays down strict rules for companies undergoing restructuring. They must submit a written report to the Ministry of Employment three months before the collective dismissal and agree in advance to financial compensation. Nothing of the sort therefore for the employees of the Accra office who also noticed that the dismissal email did not even mention their names.

►Also read: Twitter: “ We’ve been on the roller coaster for 7 months »
