Twitter is talking about Elon Musk’s post: He shared the map and made fun of the USA!

Twitter is talking about Elon Musks post He shared the

While the world was carefully watching whether the USA would send aircraft carriers to the region in the Hamas-Israel conflict and whether Iran would be directly involved in the war, Elon Musk became a hot topic. Musk’s reference to US policy with the image he shared and the note on it attracted attention.


The possibility of a conflict between the USA and Iran is on the agenda again with the Israel-Hamas war. Elon Musk also drew attention to the issue in his last post, sharing a map where the Iranian border is surrounded by US flags.


The text on the image, “Iran wants war. Look how close they established their country to our military bases,” did not go unnoticed.

Musk also shared the note, “Oh the Irany…”, making irony and word play on the words Iran.

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