Twitter has launched some new features that are also open to Turkey.

Twitter has launched some new features that are also open

twitter who bought the platform for exactly 44 billion dollars Elon Musk bring new features to the platform continues.

Financial / stock market data of companies on Twitter now can be seen directly on the search results. for example “TSLA” When you search, the stock market data of Tesla company is brought to you. As you can see above, the giant automaker Tesla, headed by Elon Musk, is losing a lot of value in the stock market these days, just like Twitter. The company, which will start operations in Turkey in 2023, is seriously affected by Elon Musk’s steps on Twitter in terms of stock market value.

By the way, Twitter today It also started to send notifications in Turkish for the “Blue” subscription package, which includes the blue approval badge.. On the other hand, it is not known when the package will be opened in Turkey yet. One more step above it all Twitter, now in the search window than before contains much more information. Now, recommended videos are shown in the search section, when a video is opened, scroll up or down to other videos (like TikTok) can be passed. This feature seems to be of great benefit to highlight the videos on the platform.


Another new feature was introduced in the morning hours. As a reminder, Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, made the following statement on his account, which currently has more than 122 million followers, on December 9:Tweets will show the number of views in a few weeks, just like videos. Twitter is much more alive than people think.”

Musk kept his word on this matter, as of today, directly below tweets “view count” started to appear. This makes sense because people will be able to see how much engagement their Tweets get without leaving their homepage. The platform, which will only show the view count to the person who posted the tweet in the first place, is not certain, but may change this in the future and make the numbers public.
