Twitter gets legal approval for leaked source code

Twitter gets legal approval for leaked source code

Elon Musk’s controversial platform twitterreceived regulatory approval for leaked source codes. Finding the person who made the company wants.

Part of Twitter’s source code last week GitHub The news that it was leaked over made a lot of noise. The company then sent a copyright infringement notice to GitHub, asking for the leaked code to be removed. GitHub reportedly complied with this and removed the code that day. It’s unclear exactly how long the leaked code has been online, but it’s behind the leak. thought to be a former Twitter employee. However, this is not yet certain because the platform has asked the District Court for the Northern District of California to issue an official order to identify the person who uploaded the code to GitHub and who downloaded the code. That decision was officially issued by the Northern California District Court today. GitHub is now supposed to help identify the people who leaked and downloaded the Twitter source code, and it’s likely that the leaker and those who downloaded the code will face serious legal action soon.


According to Elon Musk, Twitter will open source all code used to suggest Tweets as of March 31. However, there is a serious difference between this and other source code leaks. It is reported that there is a serious security risk. According to some, these codes, which were uploaded to GitHub months ago, may give the company a headache in the coming period.
