Twitter Access Ban from Russia! – Mobile

Twitter Access Ban from Russia Mobile

Russia took action to block access to Twitter right after a similar access ban on Facebook. Russian editor Roskomnadzorof the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia February 24 He cut off access to Twitter with his dated request.

Twitter did not immediately respond to the request to cut off. The company had previously confirmed that its service was “restricted for some people in Russia,” and said it had reports of the restriction. Now Russia has completely taken over Twitter, just like Facebook. inaccessible “Looks like he’s trying to do it,” he said. Twitter earlier this week, social media companies RT and Sputnik’He said they were in a hurry to limit the effect of the drug.

A Twitter spokesperson said they didn’t see “something significantly different” compared to previous limitations on the service in Russia. “We are aware of the reports, but currently do not differ significantly from what we have previously shared,” the company said in a statement.

See also: Samsung Stops Product Shipment to Russia!
