The American Kai Cenat announced on September 20th that he would stop streaming to pursue a career as a professional basketball player. But that didn’t go as planned for the 1.70 m tall Twitch star. Cenat is already back on Twitch.
This was Kai Cenat’s announcement: We reported about it on MeinMMO on September 24th:
Kai Cenat and IShowSpeed have been the rising stars on YouTube and Twitch in recent years. IShowSpeed is much more controversial:
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Kai Cenat takes part in draft for youth basketball league
That was the solution: In fact, Kai Cenat was telling the truth: He really did enter a draft, a draft for a youth basketball league. But it probably didn’t go as well as he planned.
In a draft, teams select the best from a pool of players, then the next player takes the second best and so on. It works similarly to how it works in school sports or on the football field when team captains choose their teams.
Kai Cenat took part in the draft of the LBA, the “Little Ballers Association”, a youth basketball league. But Cenat was chosen last in the league.
There’s also the wonderful picture of him standing between children, looking rather worn out, and not exactly looking like he’s having fun, even when he announces that he’s going to finish those pipes.
Her own mother is elected to the league ahead of Kai Cenat
How did he embarrass himself? Kai Cenat, all star, assumed in an interview (via X) that he would “undoubtedly be chosen third” in the draft. But the No. 1 pick was 10-year-old point guard Rashad Lee.
Even his own mother, “Mama Cenat”, got a significantly better place in the draft with pick 15 than Filius Kai Cenat, which he commented on with sadness.
In the end, 22-year-old Kai Cenat only got last place in the draft. He was number 25 and celebrated his selection exuberantly with a “Fuck You” to the crowd.
How did he play then? That too was mixed. In his “professional debut” he was blocked by a child and then tenderly gnawed on the back of his head (via Twitter).
Withdrawal from streaming is proving to be a successful PR move
This is what lies behind it: This shouldn’t be taken seriously; it was apparently a PR campaign to promote the “Little Ballers Association”. As a popular young man, Cenat is obviously an ideal driving force and gave himself up for the fun.
He apparently played a young star with a huge ego who is publicly humiliated. He is now streaming on Twitch again. It takes a stable standing and self-image to get involved in such an action and to be paraded like this in front of a large audience: The number 1 on Twitch plays a game for 46 hours and then says he’s going to stop streaming