Twitch streamers around Trymacs don’t want to eat anything for a week, after 3 days the ambulance has to come

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Twitch streamer Maximilian “Trymacs” Stemmler (28) is currently taking on a week-long “No Food Challenge” with 7 streaming colleagues. During this time, the participants are not allowed to eat anything and are also tempted by guests. After 3 days the first candidate is out.

What is this challenge? Trymacs, who regularly plans special events for his viewers, has once again come up with something special: Together with 7 other streamers, including his brother, he wants to go completely without food for a week. The event has been running since March 11th.

Participants are only allowed to consume water, vitamins and minerals and will be live at all times. There should also be challenges in which the participants “fuck each other” and guests who should torment the streamers with delicacies they brought with them.

The 28-year-old is aware of the dangers that such a challenge entails: a nutritionist and a doctor should be present around the clock, daily health checks should be carried out. We have embedded the announcement video including all participants.

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Here at MeinMMO, our expertise lies in games and everything related to them, not medical concerns. Food deprivation can lead to health problems such as circulatory problems, headaches, muscle cramps and temporary vision problems (via inFranken).
If you want to fast, please inform yourself thoroughly and consult a doctor if necessary.

Participant needs medical care

How is the challenge going so far? In the night from March 13th to March 14th, the first participant dropped out. The Twitch streamer “Breitenberg” is said to have had circulatory problems throughout the day and felt weak.

Shortly after midnight, Trymacs finally reported via Instagram story: The participants had actually already gone to sleep, but suddenly BreitenBerg could no longer breathe properly, had difficulty breathing and is said to have vomited (via Twitch).

The Twitch streamer thus dropped out of the “No Food Challenge” and was being treated by an emergency doctor at the time of the Insta story. According to Trymacs, that’s not too wild, but BreitenBerg first has to get the “OK” before he can eat properly again (via instagram; stories are available for a limited time).

How is the streamer now? Shortly after the first story, there was an update in which BreitenBerg happily bites into a piece of pizza. It says that you have a lot of respect for the performance of the streamer, who had resisted all temptations until then.

In the meantime, BreitenBerg has apparently taken the opposite side and is torturing the remaining participants with freshly prepared food. So far, everyone else is still in the running (status: March 14th, 2023, 6:30 p.m.), but others have already reported circulatory problems.

According to Trymacs, days 3 and 4 are the hardest, after that it gets easier. You can watch the challenge on the Trymacs Twitch channel.

Trymacs already faced some pretty nasty challenges in his survival show “Nerd in the Dirt”. One of them was really unsavory. Looking back, the streamer himself could hardly believe what he had gotten himself into:

Twitch streamer Trymacs hits new survival low point – can hardly watch himself in disgust
