Twitch streamer was the biggest gamer in the world thanks to Fortnite, now he has to put up with being laughed at by children

Twitch streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins dominated the online shooter Fortnite in 2017 at the age of 26, became a star on Twitch and wanted to be the “David Beckham” of gaming, the greatest of all. In 2024, he will be 33 years old and the Fortnite world will look different. Children challenge him. But Ninja simply can’t keep up anymore.

This is Ninja’s problem:

  • Ninja comes from games like Halo and is a classic “shooter” player: he is quick to react, has good hand-eye coordination, can aim well and react to situations.
  • But in Fortnite, that was no longer enough from mid-2018. To be one of the best, you have to practice “building”. You have to perfect building processes in order to create cover for yourself or to “build your way up” in building duels. Experts don’t just build, they edit the structures to create a loophole, shoot through it briefly, and close it again.
  • The really good Fortnite players train meticulously to build and have perfected it. Ninja never had enough of that. That’s why Ninja was unable to qualify for the Fortnite World Cup in 2019 despite all his efforts. By then, younger players had long since overtaken the “David Beckham” of gaming.
  • Becoming the biggest streamer on Twitch through Fortnite – Who is Ninja and what is he doing today?

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    “Please play the build mode!”

    He is now being raised with this: Young Fortnite players keep asking the 33-year-old to dare to play the build mode. But ever since it was introduced, he has preferred the “No Build” mode, in which Fortnite works like a classic shooter.

    In a Fortnite match where Ninja is clearly identified as “Ninja,” another player texts him, “Please play build mode.”

    Ninja immediately thinks he is “no more than 12 years old.”

    “I’m 33 years old – I can’t keep up anymore”

    This is Ninja’s answer: Ninja clearly says he can no longer play “Build” and it annoys him that “kids” tried to convince him that he can still do it:

    I’m 33 years old, I’m 40 ping max – I’m never playing build mode again! I can’t keep up anymore and I’m proud of it.

    The website Dexerto quotes the streamer in his anger. He is upset about “brain-dead children”. He would like to yell at their parents about the kind of children they have raised. In any case, he is now playing for a different generation.

    This is also somewhat ironic because at the time of his rise, Ninja was always accused of having an audience made up primarily of children.

    Well, someone is “too old for this shit.”

    Ninja really seems to have arrived at a different phase of his life. When you listen to him, some of it sounds like “everything used to be better”: He has also spoken disparagingly about the current streaming landscape and criticized many new developments that did not exist in such a strong form “in his time”: The streamer with the most followers on Twitch says: “Streaming has become bad and is getting worse”
