Twitch streamer Trymacs sells the event – ​​now his role model threatens him with a fine of up to 500,000 euros

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The German Twitch streamer Trymacs had planned a big event for December with “Kick auf Eis”. But now he has to change the event because Stefan Raab and his company are threatening him with a heavy fine. Trymacs is severely disappointed by his great role model.

Maximilian Stemmler aka “Trymacs” is one of the biggest German Twitch streamers. He regularly comes up with crazy ideas and is known for spending big bucks.

Now the Twitch streamer had announced a new event. With “Kick auf Eis” a big event should take place at the end of December: well-known streamers and YouTubers should compete against each other and play football on an ice surface. But nothing will come of it, as he now explains in a statement, quite disappointed.

Stefan Raab has asked Trymacs to stop – Streamer is changing the event

What exactly happened? Stefan Raab and his product company “Raab TV” have asked Trymacs and his team to stop the event and are threatening him with a fine of up to 500,000 euros.

According to various statements, it is probably also about protecting one’s own rights. For example, GamesWirtschaft writes on Twitter: “In cases like these, it’s not about $$$ – it’s about protecting your own IPs and rights. You can’t just let it go unchallenged.”

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In his statement, Trymacs is very disappointed by Stefan Raab and explains in his video that he has always been a big fan of the TV legend and that he was a role model for him (in the video at minute 1:07. But from the He was anything but enthusiastic about the warning and couldn’t understand it at all. We have embedded the entire statement here for you:

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What is there to see now? An event should continue to take place, because after all, thousands of tickets for the “Lanxess Arena” have already been sold and many well-known streamers such as MontanaBlack or Knossi have been invited.

In the new event, the ice is simply left out, instead you play football as an indoor version. Instead of “Kick auf Eis” the event is now called “The Big Kick”.

Why is Trymacs so upset? Only recently Trymacs and Stefan Raab had “worked together” at an event.

Because Trymacs took part in this year’s Wok World Cup with other streamers. This was brought to life by Stefan Raab in 2003 after he had offered this as a bet on “Wetten dass..?”:

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