Twitch streamer and e-sportsman Michael “shroud” Grzesiek is usually in shooters like Valorant. In his spare time he likes to play the Marvel Snap card game and has a certain ambition there too: in a stream he now explained how he came to a victory with questionable methods.
who is shroud shroud used to be a pro in CS:GO, but switched relatively early and became a full-time streamer on Twitch. With his professional background, he was absolutely superior to normal players and other streamers there and earned a reputation as a “human aimbot”.
So shroud became known for his skills and was always considered an honest and ambitious player. Now he’s admitted to cheating in a game of Marvel Snap, apparently feeling guilty immediately.
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It was probably an accident, but somehow not
How did shroud cheat? In a Nov. 28 stream, shroud explained how he cheated himself into a Marvel Snap trading card game win the day before by literally looking at another streamer’s cards.
shroud explained that his opponent in Marvel Snap had the abbreviation TTV in his name – it stands for Twitch.TV and identified the opponent as a streamer. shroud got curious and wondered if his opponent was streaming the game live on Twitch.
So shroud looked at his opponent’s stream and found that he was actually streaming – and so shroud could see his cards full. However, the streamer emphasized that this was not the intention:
I accidentally cheated yesterday. I admit it wasn’t really an accident. I kind of did it on purpose, but it wasn’t really on purpose either.
shroud then quickly closed the stream. He was then able to win the game, but he had a guilty conscience. shroud felt really bad after the action.
I wanted to see if he was live and he was live, I saw his hand. I should have gone, dude. I should have gone but I had to win. I had to win.
However, shroud hastened to put the situation into perspective: The knowledge he had acquired in this way did not help him to win in the end. However, he still saw his opponent’s hand and that was pretty wrong.
Stream snipers are players who target streamers and then gain an advantage by watching the stream at the same time. The method is considered quite shoddy and falls under the category of cheating. It is therefore strange that a streamer like shroud was now on the other side.
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