Twitch streamer returns to esports after 4 years break

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Streamer Ilya “Illidan” Pivcaev announced his return after a 4-year break from esports. In Team Empire he wanted to play Dota 2 professionally again. A day later, however, he got out – because he couldn’t cope with the game.

Who is the person you are talking about? Illidan was a professional player in the game Dota 2. From 2013 to 2018 he was active in the e-sports field. In 2018 he left and focused on his career as a streamer on Twitch.

Recently, the streamer drew attention when he officially joined esports team Empire, only to announce his exit in less than 24 hours.

How did Illidan exit again?

  • Illidan had stepped in as a backup on Team Empire a number of times
  • On June 23, he officially joined the team, replacing Arslan “Retrograde” Shadzhanv
  • The team won twice with this rooster
  • After that, Team Empire lost three times in a row
  • A day after Illidan announced his return, he disembarked
  • “I feel like I’m only making it worse”

    How did Illidan justify his exit? Illidan detailed the reason for his departure from Team Empire in a June 24 post over his Telegram channel.

    He said he’s having trouble grasping what’s happening in the game. Therefore, he would not do as well as he would like. He no longer wants to play professionally and doesn’t want to drag the team down with his performance (via

    Twitch: Who were the first successful streamers?

    What are the consequences for Team Empire? Team Empire is now missing the carry player. So far, no replacement for Illidan has been announced. However, the problem is that the season has already started.

    Many teams are already set and the selection of possible players is thus reduced.

    It is believed that for the next few games, a replacement will step into Team Empire for the time being. The next match for the team will be on July 1st against PuckChamp.

    Why was Illidan in such big trouble? During his hiatus from professional esports, Illidan continued to stream. What is interesting is the statement from his statement that he cannot cope with the Dota 2 game.

    Dota 2 is one of the main content on his channel along with Apex Legends. In the last seven days alone, he streamed 13 hours of Dota 2 (via

    On the other hand, it probably takes more focused training than a bit of streaming to be able to play professionally in a competition. And after a break of years, it could actually be difficult to get back into it.

    How is the community reacting to Illidan’s impromptu exit? On reddit, the community reacted with amusement, posting comments like IvarSnow’s “Illidone” or HiveMindKing’s “WTF, I thought I was someone who changes jobs quickly.”

    What do you think of the whole thing? Feel free to write it in the comments

    If you are interested in an esports career, you should know these 5 games that you could play professionally.
