Raffaela Raab appears as “the militant vegan” as an activist, influencer and Twitch streamer. On 07/13 she was seen and heard on ServusTV in a talk show on the topic “Climate killer cutlets: save the world without meat?”. She polarized with her theses. In the eyes of her critics, she downplays human suffering by equating animals with victims of historical atrocities.
What did the Vegan Militant say that’s so controversial?
In the talk show from 13.07. she said something like:
We all grow up thinking that there is a gap between species. Just like some cultures grow up being able to use black people as useful people. Yes, they’re only women, they’re only blacks, they’re only gays, they’re only animals. […]
When we are in the middle of a fascist system, and unfortunately we are, because we classify the animals as inferior, because you don’t do woof-woof, but oink-oink and that’s why I’m allowed to put 40 million pigs in gas chambers a year .
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Activist compares animal husbandry to slavery and the Holocaust
What sentence was she most criticized for? At one point she explains how she arrived at her beliefs. She said that in a debate someone said to her: You’ve always eaten like this. That “are only animals.” That was an awakening experience for her:
When he said those words, “They’re just animals”: You know what, that was also said about human slavery, about the Holocaust too. Those are just Jews. […] If only they were people in these concentration camps, in these extermination camps, where we actually have gas chambers.
“You should be ashamed”
What was held against her? Controversial publicist Roland Tichy also took part in the discussion. He became the activist’s harshest critic over the course of the show. Tichy had to audibly gasp at the Holocaust comparison. He stated:
So I really have to disagree, comparing the murder of 6 million Jews, gays, Sinti and Roma and other groups, this horrible murder with a butcher is simply indecent. They play down National Socialism. I’ve never experienced anything like that. I am appalled that a human being can be so cruel. You should be ashamed.
The Militant Vegan refused to be accused of playing down the Holocaust. She would never have said the Holocaust wasn’t bad.
Elsewhere, Tichy accused her of “infantile” behavior after using animal puppets that made noises during her argument.
Please don’t be mad at me. They brought little dolls with them from their children’s room and tell the world that one should talk to the wolf and that he should no longer kill animals. I think you must have got stuck a bit infantile. […] And then they go and justify the deaths of 6 million people.
According to Tichy, all food resources must be used to feed humanity. With 9 billion people, you have to include meat and fish as protein suppliers. You can’t “do such childish things.”
The show ended with the presenter recognizing that it is apparently impossible to find common ground on such ideologically charged topics.
The activist is controversial even among her supporters for some actions:
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