Twitch streamer Nova considers early termination – “What I can’t live with is the isolation”

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With Twitch streamer starletnova, the first participant in 7 vs. Wild announced a possible cancellation the next day. On MeinMMO you can find out what made her say:

Who is it about?

  • starletnova, also known as Nova, is a 23-year-old Twitch streamer.
  • Nova has 205,000 followers on Twitch and streams to an average of 4,697 viewers (via sullygnome).
  • She is also a participant in the survival series 7 vs. Wild Season 2 in Panama
  • Spoiler alert: If you haven’t watched the current episode of 7 vs. Wild Season 2, you may find the scenes described below to be spoilers.

    What is the situation of the streamer in 7 vs Wild? Nova has been struggling with isolation on 7 vs. Wild for several episodes, missing friends and family.

    In previous episodes, various candidates said that they would consider canceling a certain scenario. In the case of participant Joris, for example, pneumonia would be the decisive factor.

    But in the eighth episode of the YouTube series, Nova became more specific and now announced a possible end the next day.

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    Streamer struggles with isolation

    Why does Nova want to cancel? The streamer continues to suffer greatly from isolation, i.e. the separation from family, friends and the lack of social interaction. Again and again, the viewers experience tears from the 23-year-olds.

    She herself says in one of the scenes shown in episode 8:

  • “If tomorrow my mental health, my mental capacity is still so bad and I’m really desperate, […]so that I get panic attacks and stuff like that, then I’ll press the button tomorrow.”
  • Nova then adds that she hopes her situation will improve the next day and that day three is the low point.

    Shortly thereafter, a cut follows and the viewers see another scene of the streamer being overcome by her emotions. With tears she says: “I don’t think I can anymore” and explains:

    It’s not being outside or… sure, I’m all wet all the time and I kind of get rashes and stuff like that. Hey, that’s one thing. It’s not bad because I know it will pass. But what I can’t live with is the isolation. It breaks me mentally so badly. […] I don’t know what to do. […] I’ll get through this night and see how I feel tomorrow. I don’t know if I can grab it.

    Twitch streamer starlet Nova in 7 vs. Wild on isolation

    The complete scene from Nova at 7 vs. Wild, in which she talks about a possible cancellation the next day, we embed here with a timestamp:

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    Episode 8 of 7 vs Wild on YouTube

    How are the other candidates doing? The tropical heavy rain, which viewers could already see in episode 7, made things difficult for some participants. However, Twitch streamer Knossi has a strong will and speaks with a green ball to distract himself.

    Hunger and thirst are still limited among the participants and the shelters slowly took shape on day 3.

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