The German Twitch streamer Marcel “MontanaBlack” has now explained in a stream why he never meets with female viewers. He fears that afterwards the woman might go to the press and make accusations against him or frame him for a child.
This is the situation:
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“The sex just wasn’t worth the possible headache for me.”
This is what MontanaBlack says: The streamer explains that he never actually meets female viewers, and that he has only made an exception twice in the past.
One reason for this is the fear of exactly the kind of accusations that were made against Luke Mockridge:
I’ve always had a certain panic in me that viewers with whom you have a ‘sexy time’ will in some way pull a booger out of their mouth because it doesn’t go the way they imagine.
That’s natural – the probability is very low – and it’s not just accusations like that, it’s also contraception or pregnancy. For me, sex was always the – possible, unlikely, but still occurring headache – just wasn’t worth it.
The streamer says that before taking the risk, he preferred to solve the situation himself.
The corresponding segment starts at 9:56 minutes:
What does he say about the Luke Mockridge case? MontanaBlack sympathizes with the comedian, but also says that the situation is very complex. On the one hand, victims of sexual violence must be believed, but on the other hand, no one should be prejudged. He doesn’t know a solution either.
From his point of view, such allegations do not belong in the public domain, but should be clarified legally. However, he admits that the legal system has often failed in cases of sexual abuse.
More about MontanaBlack:
MontanaBlack reveals that he has already earned €10,000 by calling a Twitch streamer stupid while he eats something