For a long time it looked as if Twitch streamer ahmpy could take world first in the race to level 60 in WoW Hardcore Classic Fresh. In the end he “only” got the woman.
WoW Classic Ha… what? A few days ago, Blizzard launched the “Anniversary” realms for WoW Classic, which once again allows the numerous fans of the vanilla version to start from scratch – on normal servers as well as in the hardcore version.
Of course, the classic enthusiasts will once again have fun competing in leveling. The race on the hardcore servers is particularly challenging, as every visit to the spiritual healer means the immediate end of the adventure. And in WoW Classic, a mistake or a hiccup in the server at the wrong time is enough to kill you.
The trailer for the hardcore servers of WoW Classic:
WoW Classic: The hardcore servers are here!
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Bitter ending, but still a happy ending
For a long time it looked as if the streamer ahmpy (Twitch) would win the race on the hardcore servers. At level 54, however, the magician unexpectedly came to an end when he was killed by a brief connection loss while farming XP in the Plaguelands – as this clip on Twitch shows.
The beneficiary of the spiritual healer’s visit was the streamer zeroji (Twitch), who was in second place with his level 52 hunter and was able to secure the first level-up to 60 after three days, 22 hours and 34 minutes.
In the end, ahmpy still had a reason to be happy: between pulls, he proposed to his fiancée. His comment on
Ahmpy wasn’t the only hardcore player who had to take it in the last part of the leveling phase. The villain Lmgdx was hit at level 52. The hunter Shankle was level 51. If you would like to know more about the different Classic versions, take a look here: This is what you need to know about Era, Hardcore, Season of Discovery and Cataclysm from WoW Classic