Twitch streamer keeps track of her lovers’ performance – sparks debate about sexism

The Twitch streamer ExtraEmily said in a podcast that she keeps detailed records of her lovers’ performance and takes notes. Twitch streamer xQc in particular is outraged by this. Imagine him judging women based on the shape of their breasts.

What did the streamer say? In a podcast with fellow streamers, the Twitch streamer said:

  • She has a list on her Apple smartphone of everyone she has ever had sex with and she also rated their penis. Is that weird?
  • Another streamer added: She saw the list and it was incredibly detailed. There would be ratings for penis size or performance in bed.
  • The list then goes around on the phone and ExtraEmily explains that there are so many because of a wild phase in college.
  • From Overwatch Pro to #1 on Twitch to $100 Million – Who is xQc?

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    “Imagine me judging women based on their breast shape”

    What does xQc say about this? The reaction streamer xQc has a clear opinion on this, as on many things. Actually, he says, there’s nothing to be said against such a list as long as it remains private, like a diary. But if you show them around, it definitely gets weird.

    He apparently finds the list itself sexist and says people should just imagine the outcry there would be if he rated women like that:

    Let’s reverse the roles, what if I had a table of girls I’ve been with and their performance: like breast shape and everything and stuff. This is fucking weird.
    Okay, that was a Battlestar Minus or that was a Super Pepperoni Salami – so what the hell?

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    “It says you shouldn’t treat women like objects and then this”

    How is this discussed? Even on Livestreamfails (via reddit), like xQc, people seem to see this primarily as sexist towards men and think that two different standards are applied here:

  • On the one hand, it says that we should stop sexualizing women and treating them like objects – at the same time, we see something like this, the “most objectified thing you’ve ever seen” and it’s from a woman.
  • For others, the table is proof that streamers are just weird. They would act against all common sense and against all socially accepted behavior.
  • Others say: It’s just weird to show something like that around.
  • “Slanted” is kind of ExtraEmily’s thing. The streamer has already attracted attention in the past for behavior that seemed to be beyond all normal reason:

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