Twitch streamer QTCinderella (28) is very busy. So she went to Twitter to find someone who could support her. However, the requirements for their personal assistant caused raised eyebrows, because you are supposed to wash dishes and are not allowed to stream yourself.
What kind of streamer is this? For QTCinderella, 2022 was a prosperous year as she finally got to step out of the shadow of her boyfriend, YouTuber Ludwig Ahgren.
The streamer managed to increase her viewership by 70% and lined up some bigger events, including the Streamer Awards, which happened again this year. But the efforts of the past year left their mark:
Twitch streamer works hard, is more successful than ever in 2022 – But she is dead sad and completely exhausted
On Twitter, QTCinderella was now looking for a personal assistant to support her in her work.
Applicants should meet 6 requirements
What was that job offer? With a tweet on March 15, the 28-year-old made her search for a PA public. She did not write exactly what tasks are involved. Some, however, can be gleaned from their list of criteria.
Among other things, the following is required:
The new assistant from QTCinderella will in all likelihood help the streamer with planning and organizing her streams and events and will also lend a hand with the dishes.
In addition, the person should live in Los Angeles and thus near the streamer, bring the recommendation of a friend and have no ambitions to produce content themselves. We included the tweet for you here:
With this post, QTCinderella is looking for an assistant
User etch: “So you’re looking for a thrall?”
What bothered Twitter users about the post? In addition to some serious and some humorous answers, criticism of QTCinderella was voiced in the comments below the tweet. One user even accused her of looking for a “personal slave” (via Twitter).
Two of the conditions in particular apparently annoyed the critics: the dishwashing thing and the ban on working as a content creator yourself. Twitter users accused the streamer of wanting to stop creativity. Others thought what they were actually looking for was more likely a dishwasher (via Twitter).
How does QTCinderella react? The 28-year-old responded to some of the comments and explained what the conditions were all about. First of all: It should be a full-time position that is paid accordingly (via Twitter).
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Why does the assistant have to rinse? QTCinderella is a passionate baker and used to decorate cakes professionally. That’s why she likes to organize back-streams, which often leave behind a mountain of used dishes.
She writes on Twitter that sometimes there just isn’t enough to do to fill a full-time position and washing the dishes often takes her 2 hours. So that seems like a practical solution for the streamer.
In the “Fear&” podcast by political streamer HasanAbi, she went into more detail on the subject on March 20. So it’s the PA’s job to keep them on the air for as long as possible. Therefore, if she was feeling exhausted and knew she had 2 more hours of washing dishes to go, she might end a back-stream early.
However, it is specifically about the back streams, not general household help. QTCinderella adds that it’s probably the worst part of the job, so she wanted to be open about it.
What is the content ban all about? The streamer also has an explanation for this: it’s about privacy. Her assistant shouldn’t be able to cannibalize her life for content:
Even if that person went home and streamed League of Legends, they could say, “Oh, I was over at QT’s house today and she and Ludwig had a fight.
You can watch the full episode of the podcast in English on YouTube. The topic is addressed from minute 39.
In addition to the critics, there are also people who understand the 28-year-old. The content part in particular is very important, so she doesn’t have to worry that someone just wants to use her for her reach (via Twitter).
On March 12, QTCinderella hosted this year’s Streamer Awards, recognizing content creators from Twitch and YouTube. However, there was quite a bit of excitement at the afterparty that followed. Perhaps that was the deciding factor in the streamer’s decision to hire an assistant.
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