WoW streamer Zack, better known as “Asmongold” is the biggest streamer in the MMORPG space and co-founder of the organization “OTK” (One True King). Now the Twitch star shows how you should never unpack your expensive gaming PC.
This is behind the action: At the beginning of August, OTK announced that they wanted to release the “best PCs in the universe” together with their friend streamer Charlie “Cr1TiKaL” White. But the project dubbed “Starforge Systems” also received a lot of criticism in advance.
WoW: The cool MMO clique on Twitch wants to make money with expensive gaming PCs – it goes terribly wrong
Asmongold has now received his PC from Starforge Systems and opened it in the live stream on September 1st. But when it was opened it was so chaotic that the pulse of many a spectator was raised.
The scariest PC unboxing ever
The unboxing went so chaotically: First, Asmongold cut the tape on the box with scissors, with viewers criticizing his technique. However, the streamer assured he has never cut himself.
Then he tried to gently slide the PC out of the box – by simply tipping the box over on his gaming chair. The worried viewers then advised him to put the box on the floor and cut it open.
Asmongold took his viewers’ advice, but chose a giant machete to cut open and began sawing off the sides of the box. Not only did he almost cut his desk chair, fans also worried about his hands, which was not entirely unfounded:
this part made me heartbeat sooo fast you don’t even know ? where not to put your hands while unboxing with a machete lol….asmongold be safe!!
— ? Live now | ?Flower Cat?? (@xJennTonicx) September 4, 2022
One viewer described the action as the “scariest PC unboxing” they’ve ever seen. At the same time, it was also the most entertaining, others added.
If you’re up for a thrill, you can check out what’s arguably the most messy unboxing ever right here. If you don’t want to look at it, you can rest easy: Asmongold somehow manages to free the PC from its box in the end, without a bloodbath or a pile of rubble.
Here you can see the video of the unboxing. The machete action begins at minute 02:30.
Reactions somewhere between admiration and ridicule
Here’s how the campaign came about: The unboxing was not only shared on Asmongold’s YouTube channel, Starforge Systems also shared a clip on Twitter, with the express note not to try it at home.
While some viewers mostly talked about how nervous they were watching, others admired the dedication with which Asmongold plays his role:
I’ve never seen anyone in my life so willfully stupid and clever at the same time. This guy knows exactly what he’s doing and he loves to live up to his viewers’ expectations. I fucking love you, Zack.
Romodius via YouTube
Others scoffed that they had never seen Asmongold doing so much physical activity and demanded that more packages be sent to him. His technique was also criticized: one could probably expect better handling of a blade from an MMORPG player.
On Twitter, a user demanded that the crazy action be offered as a service: When buying the most expensive Starforge PC, Asmongold should come by personally to unpack it with the most impractical and dangerous tool in the house.
Asmongold himself has since come to realize that a machete isn’t the right tool for opening up a new PC – next time he plans to use a chainsaw (via Twitter).
Asmongold is considered by many to be the WoW streamer par excellence and embodies the cliché of the typical gaming nerd: long hair, chaotic booth, dubious hygiene and terrible nutrition. Some of his viewers can probably identify with that. A friend doesn’t really fit into the picture. That’s why a recent photo of Asmongold wearing his ex’s t-shirt caused a stir.
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