Twitch launches a useful feature for viewers

Twitch launches a useful feature for viewers

The leader in the field of live streaming owned by Amazon Twitchlaunches a useful “chat” feature for viewers. took.

Live broadcast not giving up the leadership in twitch, for everyone from today “Chat History” started to activate the feature. Thanks to this feature, when a live broadcast is entered, the last 50 messages written in the chat window or the messages sent in the last hour (whichever is less) are loaded. In this way, viewers can quickly take a look at what was talked about when they enter a broadcast. Most people will like this. Because if you don’t follow a live broadcast from the beginning, you may not understand what topic is being talked about when you open the broadcast. That’s why live broadcasts often “What’s the topic?” or “What is the publisher talking about?” such questions are asked. The new feature is expected to seriously eliminate these questions.


The company had shared its 2023 plans with important details before. Twitch’s Chief Product Officer Tom Verrilli and Chief Revenue Generation Manager Mike Minton, “Our main priority this year is growth on Twitch, growing both your communities and your revenues. In the first half of 2023, feature that will make it easy to make money without slowing your growth And as we deploy the tools, we will also improve many of our existing tools to work more effectively and to help you more.” he said. To publishers “We offer more options where you can earn money” Tom Verrilli and Mike Minton in bullet points for the new term here conveyed the details.
