Twitch blocks 2 German casino streamers, one in the middle of a flight – “Lawyer has been contacted”

Twitch has banned the two German casino streamers Scurrows and Orangemorange for 14 days each for hateful behavior. Both threaten immediately with their lawyers. Scurrows says he issued a restraining order today.

Who did it get?

  • Kevin “Orangemorange” Bongers built up a community on Twitch with GTA 5, but then mostly streamed slots. Ever since Twitch banned the online casino Stake, its channel has rapidly lost relevance.
  • Theo “Scurrows” Bottländer also built up a community on Twitch with GTA 5, but was then blocked for a long time until he complained back to the platform. His channel also went downhill in 2023. But in recent weeks, Scurrows has taken off on Twitch after falling out with streamer Shurjoka.
  • Both are affiliated with Twitch’s rival platform, Kick. Behind the platform is the founder of the online casino Stake.
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    14-day ban for “hateful behavior”

    What do you know about the bans? Both streamers were on the evening of 19.7. banned for 14 days each. Judging by their reactions on Twitter, both of them must have been banned almost at the same time.

    Orangemorange says he just got back on Twitch on July 9th and was “ONLY” roleplaying in GTA 5. Twitch apparently banned him for “hateful behavior” but didn’t specify what misconduct he was banned for.

    Scurrows has been banned for 14 days for the same reason.

    “Twitch is really just the worst”

    How are they going to react? Orangemorange has announced that he has already contacted his lawyer.

    Scurrows goes even further: he wants to get back on Twitch with a restraining order. “His law firm” had already issued an injunction today, on July 19th.

    Scurrows says: “Twitch is really the very worst” – but apparently still wants to get back on the platform as soon as possible.

    He criticizes that Twitch did not give him sufficient reason for the ban.

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    This is behind it: Apparently, both streamers believe they are now unwanted people on Twitch because they stream and advertise on the competing platform Kick.

    The international equivalent of her ban is arguably the permanent ban on Kick-switched streamer “Adin Ross”: He had been banned from Twitch for life for broadcasting his Kick chat on Twitch and who, in Twitch’s eyes, was “unmoderated.” was.

    Ross said it was just an excuse, no one would get banned for doing that.

    Scurrows and Orangemorange also seem to think they weren’t banned for any specific behavior, but because Twitch was trying to get rid of them. This is also a well-known legend that circles around DrDisrespect.

    It is striking that both streamers were banned almost at the same time and without knowing exactly why they got it.

    Bann hits Scurrows in mid-air

    The ban will hit Scurrows in particular, who recently had more viewers on Twitch than ever before, even if he reached them with difficult methods.

    Scurrows clinched a win just a day before his ban after successfully threatening YouTuber HerrNewstime with a warning (via twitter). Scurrows withdrew the warning after Mr.Newstime deleted videos of the “gamescom incident” which Scurrows described as “full of lies”.

    The fantasies of omnipotence are currently being dampened:

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    What’s the reaction? Both streamers are controversial. On “Streamerbans” the spell of Orangemorange generates some enthusiasm;

  • They hope the ban is “forever”.
  • One user says, “Best thing Twitch has done in the past few weeks.”
  • Many comment with “W”, see it as a victory for Twitch.
  • German streamer is more successful on Twitch than ever before: This is how Scurrows revived his troubled channel
