Twelve sentenced after scandal derby

It was in May last year that Djurgården took on AIK at the Tele2 Arena in southern Stockholm. The police had already received worrying indications before the match, and when Djurgården scored 1-0, chaos broke out in the arena. Pyrotechnics and chairs were thrown in and masked people entered the field. 40-year-olds get prison After the police went through footage and chat conversations, 16 people – 15 men and one woman – were charged on suspicion of complicity and incitement to a violent riot. Twelve of them are now being sentenced. Two men in their 40s are sentenced to prison for violent riot and violence against an official. Another six people are sentenced for violent riot to community service and youth service. Was planned in chats Four people aged 25 are sentenced for aiding and abetting riots. The prosecutor had requested that they should also be convicted of inciting a violent riot, as they appeared in chats where the riots were planned. However, the district court cannot show that any of them have passed the information on, or that they otherwise induced the crowd to act. A police officer who was hit by a chair during the riot is to receive damages. Other claims for damages from police officers and security guards have been rejected.
