Tweet edit button finally coming

Tweet edit button finally coming

Twitter will test the Tweet edit button system that users have been demanding for years by making it accessible to Twitter Blue subscribers.

The tweet edit button becomes real. The tweet editing button, which former Twitter CEO Jack Dursey always opposed and even said “we will not add” in 2020, will be tried out by making it available to Twitter Blue subscribers in later September. Twitter Blue is a paid subscription system that allows you to customize Twitter.

Twitter’s most requested feature, edit tweet button is on its way

According to Twitter’s announcement, the tweet editing feature is currently being tested in-house. Twitter humorously announced that they tried the system:
” If you see an edited tweet, it means we’re testing the edit button. Don’t worry.”
The tweet editing feature will still come with certain restrictions.

According to information shared by Twitter, users will only have 30 minutes to edit their tweets. This means that the tweet will become uneditable half an hour after it is posted. Also, again according to Twitter:
“Edited tweets will have a text, icon, and hashtag below them to indicate when they were edited, so users will know that the original tweet was modified.”
You will also be able to see the edit history of the tweet when you click on the icon. The tweet editing request was the most requested feature of Twitter. Elon Musk, whom Twitter is currently suing, immediately after purchasing Twitter shares, “Do you want an edit button?” he opened a survey.
