It came too many as a shock to Tina Nordström became the one who jumped into the Swedish Master Chef jury along with Tommy Myllymäki and Tom Sjöstedt. This after Mischa Billing chose to pause her participation for a while.
And Tina’s participation did not go unnoticed. Already the first episodes she went from sex jokes to dancing tango with the participants.
“Is that the only fallow sausage you have on the body?” She asked a male participant with a fallow sausage tattooed on the body.
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2025’s jury in Sweden’s master chef. Image source: TV4
“But you were a long spray then,” she told a female participant who sprinkled puree on a plate.
But the viewers – they have absolutely love it.
Week after week, social media has cooked over by comments from people around the country who now think Tina should become a standing part of the jury.
How it gets, TV4 has not yet gone out.
TV4 cut the words out of Sweden’s master chef
Last week it became Ebba Gulliksen who was forced to leave the program and after her participation she chose to visit the pod “after the court” with the entertainment reporter Evelina Collin Reuterfors and the old participant Josefine Freij.
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– The two most common questions are ‘you have to google’ but also ‘how is Tina’, Ebba says.
“How is Tina then?” Asks one of the girls.
Ebba Gulliksen. Image source: TV4
– Tina is scary …. no but ok I’m just kidding but … or yes she is. I thought so from the beginning. Or so, she is a person you have a lot of respect for. She is “Mat-Tina” which is a clamp check and go. But in line with the Master Chef’s premiere, she has shown quite a few other pages. She can be quite harsh and come up with harsh criticism. For example, when she said that my cake did not taste vanilla and that I had had three vanilla bars … it was cut away.
“Yes, I don’t remember seeing it?” Frej points out.
– Yes I had three rods in .. So it was strange that it did not taste any vanilla? And those on the balcony pointed out that it really smelled of vanilla throughout the room, Ebba concludes.
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