With the growing popularity of Youtube, a platform on which 2 billion users come together per month, French TV channels are quivering and uniting against the American juggernaut.
Considered as the “first channel of France“ by its general director in France, Justine Ryst, Youtube is once again making headlines. Bringing together no less than 42 million French users per month, the platform purchased by Google has enjoyed unfailing popularity for several years. A popularity that could not be more impressive compared to French television channels, which no longer attract young audiences.
An unprecedented coalition that intends to turn the tide
The big names in French audiovisual have therefore decided to take their situation in hand by announcing the creation of La Filière Audiovisuelle (nicknamed “LaFA”), during a conference held on November 13, 2024. All gathered in the premises of the TF1 group, representatives of France Télévisions, M6 and TF1 highlighted their common interests against the “disruptor” of the market: Youtube.
The alliance is somewhat surprising between these major players in the French audiovisual landscape, who have always competed for ratings, but the objectives are clear: to fight the Goliath owned by Google.
An association that brings together many actors
The conference of November 13, in addition to bringing together France Télévisions, M6 and TF1, brought together numerous collective rights management organizations, such as ADAMI (Administration of the rights of performing artists and musicians), SACD (Society of authors and dramatic composers), SACEM (Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers), SCAM (Civil Society of Multimedia Authors), but also producer unions such as ANIM France, SPI (Syndicate of Independent Producers) and USPA (Audiovisual Production Union).
With its president Rodolphe Belmer (who is neither more nor less the CEO of the TF1 group) and his three vice-presidents, including Delphine Ernotte (CEO of France Télévisions), the initiative had already been mentioned a few months earlier, during the last La Rochelle festival. Today, ten institutions have shaken hands to implement their interests.

What objectives have been designed?
The ten founding members of LaFA took turns sharing the issues they were facing. Several measures emerged following their confessions, including better distribution of advertising resources and clearer regulation regarding artificial intelligence and copyright.
LaFA would also like to regulate American platforms like YouTube, in order to guarantee creative diversity and French cultural exception. Speakers at the November 13 conference pointed out the inequalities in treatment between the blue-white-red channels and large American companies, mentioning in particular legislative gaps concerning audiovisual creation. LaFA wants to achieve better fairness between international competitors.
LaFA, an association that fights on several fronts
In addition to leading an offensive strategy against American hegemony, LaFA intends to deploy a defensive operation on a European scale: “France has a special place in Europe,” assures Delphine Ernotte. “We all ardently defend the French exception. I am happy that tomorrow we will be able to speak with one voice in front of the European authorities, coming together means gaining strength and simplicity.”
All LaFA members plan to address the European authorities with one voice. They hope that their consensus will find a shoulder to lean on within the European Union.
Barely formed, the association is already preparing to expand its circle, by including two other names: Arte and SPEC. LaFA does not refuse the integration of other audiovisual institutions, as long as the latter adhere to the values of the initiative. The battle is launched against the American monster, but the French channels are only declaring the first battle…