Turns back: misleading about recalled driver’s license

Turns back misleading about recalled drivers license



The full -screen transport board has been criticized for recalled driving licenses. Photo: Erik Simander/TT

The Swedish Transport Agency has been accused of withdrawing a driver’s license – despite the fact that the motorists had zero promille in the blood. Now the authority beats back.

“A misleading picture has been painted up,” writes section manager Ingela Janbjer at Expressen Debate.

Several media have reported that the Swedish Transport Agency links the right to have a driver’s license to the National Board of Health and Welfare’s guidelines of a maximum of 10 standard glass alcohol per week. According to Skånska Dagbladet’s review, thousands of Swedes get rid of the driver’s license after a doctor’s visit.

Massive criticism, including from MPs, has come to the fact that the Swedish Transport Agency has moved the driver’s license from people who have been drinking one and a half bottle of wine a week – even though they were sober at the wheel.

According to Ingela Janbjer, section manager at the Swedish Transport Agency, the criticism is misleading.

“The debate states that we equate our definition of ‘abuse’ with the National Board of Health’s definition of ‘risk use’. That’s not true, ”she writes.

She points out that it is only when a physician for medical reasons, such as alcohol abuse, considers that a person is inappropriate to have a driver’s license that the doctor must report it to the Swedish Transport Agency under the law.

To reach a limit value for abuse, far more than ten standard glasses a week are also required, rather around 30-40 glasses of wine or up to 28 cans of strong beer, according to Janbjer.

“Thus, high alcohol consumption is required for a long time for the limit value to be exceeded,” she writes.
