turmoil within the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition in view of the legislative elections

turmoil within the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition in view of

In Senegal, while the two main opposition coalitions have just concluded an alliance for the July 31 legislative elections against the regime of President Macky Sall, the investitures are causing a stir. Several parties and member movements of Yewwi Askan Wi, the coalition created around Ousmane Sonko and Khalifa Sall, denounce this Friday calculations politicians » and a procedure « undemocratic » in the constitution of the lists.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

A Stalinist, clannish, crony spirit » made only one « minority has taken over all the elective positions “, according to the nine political formations members of Yewwi Askan Wi.

Among the signatories, there is the former minister Moustapha Guirassy who is annoyed: “ The charter has been violated! If we are not able to respect our agreements within our coalition, do not make me hope for anything else. We have to go back to the fundamentals of the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition. you need less ego and accept comments, internal democracy. This is how you can build a strong coalition. »

Some officials directly accuse Khalifa Sall, the former mayor of Dakar, one of the leaders of Yewwi Askan Wi. For Aida Niang, of the Bess Du Nak party, it is not a question frustration “, but D'” misunderstandings “. She denounces a contempt “: “ There are principles of consultation, co-construction, co-development that were the basis for setting up the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition. And we woke up, one fine day, we saw that the very principle of saying that the next legislature was going to be of quality had been biased and betrayed. »

Read also The Wallu Senegal and Yewwi Askan Wi coalitions unite for the legislative elections

Same misunderstanding for the platform “Avenir Senegaal Bi Nu Begg”. Its leaders, Cheikh Tidiane Dièye and Ndèye Fatou Diop Blondin were “ relegated at 28 and 29 on the national Yewwi Askan Wi list. They speak of a process iniquitous and unjust », while reaffirming their anchoring in the coalition.

Fadel Barro’s dossier from Jammi Gox Yi failed

Also discomfort on the side from Wallu Senegal, formed around the PDS. Feeling ” humiliated “, the now ex-head of communications Mayoro Faye slammed the door of the party, as did the deputy Cheikh Mbacké Barra Dolly.

Before the examination of the candidatures, the general direction of the elections continues the control of the sponsorships, until Tuesday. Some files have already been rejected, including that of Fadel Barro, leader of the Jammi Gox Yi coalition and former coordinator of the Y’en a Marre movement.

La Cena, the autonomous national electoral commission, on Friday called on political actors to “ serenity and a sense of responsibility “. In a press release, it also condemns the “ statements and violence ” having followed the publication on social networks of lists of legislative candidates. On Wednesday, the Directorate General of Elections deplored a ” intrusion attempt of the mayor of Dakar, Barthélémy Dias, in his premises.

►Also read: Legislative in Senegal: who is the Alternative for a rupture assembly made up of?
