TurkNet made important statements in the field of internet

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TurkNet, which came to the fore with the latest hike, made many important statements in the field of internet within the scope of the press event held today.

TurkNet, today, to underline the situations that make internet users suffer such as complex tariffs, low quota packages, withdrawal fee, low internet speed or commitment, and to make the voice of the consumer heard in the sector. I DO NOT CONFIRM Stating that they are investing continuously to provide internet users with a quality and free internet experience at world-class Gigabit speeds, TurkNet CEO Cem Celebiler, “With this campaign, we highlight the sectoral problems that block the consumer on the fixed internet and slow down production and education. We believe our new ad campaign will be a real voice for user experience and needs. We call on all internet users to #Get to Freedom.” said. The following statements also came from the company:

TurkNet CEO Cem Çelebiler, stating that they aim to provide internet users with a free internet experience at world-class Gigabit speeds, said, “As TurkNet, we offer quota-free, commitment-free and fast internet. Our aim is to provide a world-class internet experience to all internet users with equal download and upload speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps, and we are expanding our GigaFiber infrastructure every day, starting with universities and technoparks as the ‘game changer’ brand in the sector.


Çelebiler pointed out that according to the second quarter report of 2022 released by the independent internet speed measurement company Speedtest, Turkey ranks 103rd among 181 countries in internet speed. Internet speed is a must. Low speeds are not enough for students, business people, academicians or engineers.

According to our TurkNet independent brand research; 73 out of every 100 people in Turkey have problems due to low speed internet. We should at least quadruple our internet speed. Turkey deserves to be in the top 20 in the world for internet speed. As TurkNet, we want to change this table. We want to give everyone in this country a world-class internet experience.” he said.

Since its establishment in 1996; TurkNet, which brought many innovations to the sector and broke new ground for 25 years: removing commitments, ending quotas, replacing low speeds with high speeds, and keeping users away from price confusion, launched the ‘I DO NOT CONFIRM’ advertising campaign to be the voice of internet users.

TurkNet CEO Çelebiler said, “With this campaign, we underline the problems that block the consumer on the fixed internet, slow down production and education. We say that we are the FIRST and ONLY operator that provides equal download and upload speed. We believe our new ad campaign will be a real voice for user comments and needs. We call on all internet users to #Switch to Freedom”. TurkNet’s two new commercials, which highlight the points that internet users do not approve, will be screened on television and digital channels as of tomorrow.”


In addition to the above, the company He also announced that new projects for students and home internet are on the way.. The following has been implicitly stated in this regard:

“TurkNet CEO Cem Çelebiler stated that they will continue innovative services, where we put the users at the center, put everyone’s mind at ease, and stated that they are preparing for a development that will make students smile and manage the high-speed internet more efficiently by remotely managing smart home devices. gave the good news.”
