Turkish pilot Cem Bölükbaşı opens the Formula 2 season!

Turkish pilot Cem Bolukbasi opens the Formula 2 season

Turkey’s first Formula 2 pilot Cem Bölükbaşırace lovers eagerly await Formula 2 opens its season with the first race in Bahrain. Here are the details.

Our national athlete, Cem Bölükbaşı, who is the first racing driver in the world to leave esports and rise to the Formula 2 championship, is starting his first race in the FIA ​​Formula 2 2022 Championship at the Bahrain Shakir track. Bölükbaşı will represent our country in a total of 13 weekends and 26 races in the FIA ​​Formula 2 Championship, which is held on the same weekend and on the same tracks as the Formula 1 World Championship. Cem Bölükbaşı will go on his first training laps on Friday, March 18 at 12:35 on the Bahrain International circuit. The qualifying rounds will take place at 19:25 on the same day. The sprint race will be held on Saturday, March 19 at 19:40. Bölükbaşı will start its main race on Sunday, March 20, at 13:40. All races of the national racing driver in the Formula 2 season can be followed live on S Sport 2 and S Sport Plus channels.


Cem Bölükbaşı had a productive rookie season

Cem Bölükbaşı, “We are officially starting the season in Formula 2. It will be a historic moment both for my country and for my fellow athletes who dream of getting out of esports and competing on real tracks. I wish it to be a season in which I increase my performance every week. It’s great to be able to reach this level. As a rookie, I will do my best to learn as much as possible and experience as quickly as possible in the 2022 season. I’ve had great support up until this point, I would like to thank everyone who has supported my dreams.” said.

The F2 2022 Championship, which started on March 18-20 at the Bahrain International Circuit, will continue for 13 weeks with races taking place at the circuits of Jeddah, Imola, Barcelona, ​​Monte-Carlo, Baku, Silverstone, Spielberg, Budapest, Spa-Francorchamps, Zandvoort and Monza, respectively. . The final of the championship, which has the same calendar as Formula 1, will end with the final on the Yas Marina track on 18-20 November 2022.

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